
I’m talking specifically about the Sasuga You! Self-Discovery Weekend, but you can apply the lessons here to anything that you’d like to do but somehow can’t.

Some women are hesitating to join the retreat even though they’re interested. They tell me that the barriers that are holding them back from registering for this event (or doing other things that would benefit them) are one or more of the following:

1. Not enough time

Everyone seems to be so busy today. How often do you say to yourself, “I don’t have enough time”?

But how likely is it that you’ll have more time in the near future? Really?

So maybe you need to make a short-term sacrifice of prioritizing time for you that will result in a long-term benefit? How would new and stronger skills, greater perspective, connections with supportive individuals, and a bit of relaxation impact your life and career?

My old mentor used to say, “It doesn’t get easier; it just gets later.”

2. Not enough money

You may see 145,000 yen (the retreat fee) as a BIG sum of money. You may have loan repayments, children’s school fees, and other large expenses to consider (me too!). Will it be worth the investment?

Apart from everything that’s included, I’m convinced that you’ll get more value than you can imagine from the experience, what you learn, and how it will impact your life and career.

If it would be helpful for you to pay in installments, contact me. I want to make it easy for you to join us.

3. Not enough courage

This is the biggy. And we can subdivide this into three types of courage:

– Courage to use English

I always say, it’s not about your English grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary, it’s about your willingness to communicate, learn, and have fun! If you use English in your work, it’s highly likely that your level is good enough. If in doubt, contact me. We can schedule a brief online chat to check your level.

   – Courage to leave children at home

When my daughter was 7 months old, I was asked to interpret at a 4-day seminar. I was still breastfeeding and didn’t want to leave her. So I took her with me! A friend held her while I was interpreting. Then I spent the rest of the time with my daughter. It worked well!

This was rather extreme though and I’m not asking you to do that if you’re still breastfeeding. But if you have small children, what arrangements can you make to leave them for two nights?

My guess is that you devote a HUUUUUUGE amount of your time to childcare. Don’t you deserve some time away to learn, reflect, connect, and refresh? What impact would that ultimately have on you as a mother and career woman?

  – Courage to be with people you don’t know

Some women are nervous about being with people they don’t know. What will other people think of you? What if they’re “better” than you? Won’t it be embarrassing?

Let me assure you that everyone has concerns and insecurities. Yes, me included! In fact, Rebecca and I are very open with workshop participants about our own struggles. We know we’re not perfect. We’re always learning. And we’re here to support you fully.

So I encourage you to take a few minutes to think carefully about what’s holding you back? It makes me sad when I see people missing opportunities

I’m committed to doing whatever I can to encourage 10 wonderful women to join the Sasuga You! Self-Discovery Weekend. If you’d like to chat, contact me.

Places are limited, and I know several ladies who couldn’t make the dates of the last retreat are keen to join, so please take action now if you’re interested 🙂