
In the last post, I recommended dialing in early to conference calls to allow time for technical trouble, hear the important information, and show respect for your colleagues.

Dialing in early sets you up for success and helps your confidence.

But then comes the big challenge of speaking up.

When conference calls became a regular part of my work, I hesitated to speak up. I worried that I might start talking at the same time as someone else, which would be awkward. I worried that I didn’t have something valuable to say. I worried that I might stumble over my words and not be clear – especially when speaking in Japanese instead of English.

It all came down to worrying what other people would think of me.

Does that sound familiar?

Even though I knew I should speak, I would often spend too much time thinking and worrying about it. The call would end before I’d grabbed my chance.

I learned to speak up early. Here’s why.

3 Reasons to Speak Up Early in Conference Calls

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If you speak early, you have more options for what to say. Later in the call, others will already have spoken, so it puts more pressure on you to say something original or meaningful.

You can establish your presence

In many global companies, your presence on conference calls is evaluated in your performance review – whether directly or indirectly. It’s part of how your colleagues see you.

Non-Japanese corporate leaders often tell me that their Japanese colleagues seem to lack presence because they fail to speak up. Mottainai.

You can relax!

Once you’ve spoken up early, you can relax because you’ve established your presence. You can focus better on the content of the rest of the call and maybe speak again to make even more of a contribution.

So you know it’s good to speak early, but what do you say?

Two Tips for Speaking Up in Conference Calls

1. First, take a moment before the call to think of (or even write out) comments that you can make.

2. Second, ask a question to clarify what someone else said.

We often think, “Oh, I must be the only one who doesn’t understand that,” and stay quiet. But later we find out that others didn’t understand either. So do everyone a favor and ask!

*     *     *     *     *

Now you know why and how to speak early on conference calls. See what a difference it makes on your next call.

Thanks, TopTia, for the photo.

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