
This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 3.

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Hello and welcome to Day 3 of the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge. Yay!

Today’s topic is to think about your vision, and Natalie does this through an activity called My Perfect Day. And in My Perfect Day, you write down what is your perfect day. What does it look like in great detail?

So I first came across this activity in April 2015, which was when I joined The Freedom Plan. And at the time when I wrote it down, my actual day was only a fraction of what my perfect day was. But now, about a year and a half later, I would say that many of my days are very close to being my perfect day. Things tend to get a bit messy in the late afternoon and evening where I work a bit more than I plan to, but we are getting there very gradually.

So what does my perfect day look like?

I bounce out of bed at 5:30 in the morning, put on my exercise gear, and go downstairs with my husband. We walk around the apartment tower that we live in, and we chat as we’re walking around. And then he sets off jogging. I put in my earphones and start listening to the latest podcast whether it’s Entrepreneur on Fire or Suitcase Entrepreneur. And then I go to the park and it’s beautiful. The sun is shining. The flowers — the latest seasonal flowers — are blooming. I can enjoy those, then I meet up with my husband again as he’s doing sit-ups on the bench there.

We go back upstairs. I meditate for 15 minutes. And then I write my journal, some notes of gratitude, what my goal for the day is. And then when I come out of the bedroom where I’ve been meditating and journaling, then I find that my husband has been preparing a beautiful breakfast. And we sit down with our daughter, who has got her things ready for school the night before. Yes! And we have a wonderful breakfast. Then they are out of the door to work and to school, and I sit on the sofa to finish off drinking my tea and enjoy a few pages of the latest book that I’m reading.

Then I’m showering and I’m off out to find a nice quiet work spot, where I can focus on the latest work that I’m doing — creating content for people to help create communication habits for success and happiness in the global workplace.

Then I go off to meet a friend for lunch — an entrepreneur friend. And we catch up on ideas that we’ve been having and how we’re going with our business.

From there I head to Ginza Hub — the coworking space — talk with some more entrepreneurs, and then use the latest technology, recording videos for my blog and connecting with people online doing some one-on-one coaching via video conferencing. And I love to see the smiley faces of people who are building their skills and their confidence.

Then I go home and daughter has made a three-course meal for us! Absolutely delicious! Then she entertains us with playing the piano — the latest tune that she’s composed. And then she goes off to do her teenage things. And I sit on the balcony with my husband, and we enjoy the sunset and the flowers on the balcony.

Then I go and have a nice relaxing bath, go to bed, read a few more pages, finish writing my journal, and that’s how my perfect day ends.

Okay, so it’s about 4:30 in the afternoon. I’m not quite at my perfect day, but I’m going to go back and see what I can do to make it as perfect as possible as I finish off today.

I hope this has given you some food for thought and that you might want to write down your perfect day too and get closer to it.

And please come back for Day 4 of the challenge. Can’t wait to see what happens. Bye!


In case you missed them, here are Day 1 and Day 2.