

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 10.

Can’t see the video player above? Watch it on YouTube.


Hello and welcome to Day 10.

It’s Day 10 of the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge!

I’m so happy to have made it all the way through this, and I hope you’ve been enjoying it too.

So our topic today is to reflect on the last few days and think about which post has been most meaningful for us and why?

So if I think back to the different topics, I wouldn’t say that there has been one particular one that’s really stood out for me. It’s actually more the process because they’ve all been thought-provoking, but the process itself has been the biggest learning for me.

When I did the first post, it took me hours, thinking about and working out the different steps that I had to take — the YouTube video, the WordPress, the transcript, getting everything all together. And it was a lot of work. But then I created a Standard Operating Procedure for myself, so that I could refer to that and do it more easily the next couple of days. and then it kind of became automatic because I knew what I had to do. It became easy.

And so this was a big learning for me — well a kind of reminder for me — that consistent action really helps — and this repetition really helps — to create new habits when we’re learning something new.

And it’s the same thing when you think about presentation skills or communication skills.

If you’re giving a presentation, you want to create an introduction. And when you first learn how to format your introduction, you have to think through very carefully.

You spend time thinking how am I going to say who I am, how am I going to talk about what this presentation is about, how am I going to talk about why it’s important for the audience, how am I going to talk about how I’m going to go through the presentation, and what’s my Wow!? How am I going to really get the attention of my audience?

And then once you do that a few times and you repeat and repeat, then it starts to become automatic. It becomes much easier that you can talk about the Who, What, Why, How, and Wow! You’re not thinking so much in your head and you can spend time focusing on the audience instead — which is the best thing to do.

So then the next question that came from Natalie is what next? What are we going to do now the 10 day blog challenge is over?

So for me, I’m going to be joining Natalie’s Freedom Plan again, which starts in October 2016.

And this will be the third time for me.

I first joined in April 2015. And I learned so much about how I could develop my business, so that I’m not necessarily doing in-person workshops and coaching and I can do a lot more online.

Really helped me to grow my business.

And the great thing about doing the program once is that then you can go do it again and again without having to pay any extra cost.

And there’s always more and more learning at each stage.

So I definitely would love to recommend The Freedom Plan, if you’re thinking of developing your business, so that you can have more adventure, more freedom, and still be able to deliver great value to your clients or customers.

And I’ll leave a link to the program in the description, if you’re looking at this on YouTube, and in the Facebook post, if you’re looking at this on Facebook. I hope you absolutely love it and I hope you’ve enjoyed this challenge and have a fantastic day.



Find out more about The Freedom Plan with Natalie Sisson here. I’m in!


Other posts in the 10 Day Blog Challenge series:

Day 1 – Challenges that hold me back

Day 2 – What’s my why?

Day 3 – My perfect day

Day 4 – My superpowers!

Day 5 – Setting up for success!

Day 6 – Who inspires me?

Day 7 – Beating procrastination

Day 8 – Having fun?

Day 9 – A month in Portugal???