
– An Interview with Aya Jean

Many of us learned “You’ve got to DO more” to be recognized and show your value in your work and life.

Being productive and contributing value isn’t about doing more and working harder.

Have you heard this before?

“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day, unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.”

In Episode 55 of the Sasuga! Podcast, I share Part 2 of my interview with my style coach Aya Jean.
You can enjoy Part 1 here.

You’ll hear

  • Aya’s top tip for improving your productivity
  • How to build confidence with your style if you’re concerned about what your family or those around you might think of you
  • A special tip for Japanese women, especially if your name ends in “ko”

We’ve also created a beautiful full transcript and guide with questions for reflection to help you make the most of this interview. Click here to download your transcript and guide.


Prefer to listen on your podcast player?


Links for you

Watch this interview on YouTube

Aya Jean’s Website and Social Media Accounts:

Esther and Jerry Hicks, Getting Into The Vortex



Communication Lessons From My Style Coaching Journey

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Ask Helen LiveAnswering the question “How can I prioritize myself over work?”