
Some of you have asked for presentation tips. Here’s one: think about where you’re standing when giving a presentation. It affects how you come across to your audience and can boost your confidence.

Let’s take three typical settings in business and public speaking:

No onscreen presentation – Stand where the audience can see you best. That’s usually center stage (there might not be an actual stage, so “center stage” could simply be the middle of the front of a meeting room).

Onscreen presentation – Stand to one side when you want the audience to focus on the screen. Return to center stage when you want the audience to focus on you. If the audience is spending more time focusing on the screen, maybe you need to simplify your presentation materials. Or could you get the results you want and save everyone’s time by distributing a document instead of giving a presentation?

Lectern or table – Venues often provide a lectern or table for the speaker. Where possible though, get out from behind it and move to, you guessed it, center stage. You don’t need to stand rigidly in one spot the entire time. We’ll talk about “moving around” in a separate blog post. The point here is to be aware of the impact of where you stand.

Presenters often stand to one side, which makes it difficult to connect with the audience and gives the impression that the presenter lacks confidence. Similarly, a piece of furniture, such as a lectern or a table, in front of the presenter creates a barrier and makes audience engagement more challenging.

Take a step toward center stage and you’ll look more confident (even if you don’t feel it yet). When you see the audience’s positive reaction, you’ll probably start to feel a bit more confident. It’s a virtuous cycle!

Image courtesy of Simon Howden, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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