
Looking for the Sasuga! Podcast? After over 4 years and 219 episodes, the podcast is on pause.
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Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!

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5 Ways To Think Wisely And Conserve Your Brain Power

5 Ways To Think Wisely And Conserve Your Brain Power

How helpful are your thoughts? Are your thoughts filled with replays of unpleasant past events, future concerns, worries about what others think, complaints, or indecision? How do those thoughts make you feel??? In Episode 13 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear The 5...

The Japanese Disadvantage In Global Business

The Japanese Disadvantage In Global Business

(And How To Overcome It) - An Interview With Kazuhisa Shibayama Do you ever wonder why it’s so difficult as a Japanese person to get your message across to your global business counterparts? Your English isn’t good enough? No. Your English is probably fine. The...

Working With New Colleagues

Working With New Colleagues

It’s the time of year in Japan when people are getting ready to work with new colleagues as the business year begins April. Are you starting at a new company, moving to a new department, or welcoming new team members? You may feel nervous. You want to make a good...

The Power Of Repetition

The Power Of Repetition

As human beings we’re naturally attracted to what’s new, and it’s easy to see repetition as boring. But repetition brings huge benefits in our business and personal lives. In Episode 10 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear How to save mental energy and use your brain...

Can Work Be Fun?

Can Work Be Fun?

When I talk with clients and members of my community, they often see work as stressful and definitely not fun. I’ve seen clients in tears multiple times because they’re under so much pressure - they’re working with tight deadlines, their teams are short-staffed, they...

3 Strategies To Save Time Preparing Your Presentation

3 Strategies To Save Time Preparing Your Presentation

One of the biggest frustrations I hear from new clients and members of my community is “I need to give more presentations at work, but don’t have enough time to prepare.” You give presentations when talking with clients, updating your team in a meeting, or speaking at...

Communicate From Your Core

Communicate From Your Core

- An Interview with Risa Hatayama Get practical tips for global communication and living your best life in this high-energy interview with Risa Hatayama, a life coach for Japanese women who has lived overseas for 15 years. In Episode 7 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll...

The Easy Way To Be A Great Conversationalist

The Easy Way To Be A Great Conversationalist

When you walk into a room full of people at an event, such as a work party, a regional conference, or an industry seminar, do you wonder how to start a conversation? People are already talking in groups. How do you interrupt? What if you don’t have anything...

6 Steps To Present Unfamiliar Content In Your Non-Native Language

6 Steps To Present Unfamiliar Content In Your Non-Native Language

Your know your business area well and can easily talk about it in a normal conversation. But, if you’re like most people, you feel nervous when you have to present in front of a client at a meeting or in front of colleagues on a call or in front of an audience at an...

4 Simple Steps Out Of Email Stress

4 Simple Steps Out Of Email Stress

How much time do you spend on email? How do you feel about it - happy or stressed? How would your day look if you could spend less time on email? In Episode 4 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear How a different approach to email was a life-changer for a...

Being Efficient And Sounding Confident

Being Efficient And Sounding Confident

- An Interview With Midori Horii Making meetings meaningful, getting your message across, and being productive are crucial if you want to get results and be happy in global business. Get practical tips and inspiration in this interview with Midori Horii, translator...



Perfectionism. We often think we should be perfect - we should do a perfect job, give a perfect presentation, or speak perfect English. But have you ever thought how perfectionism stops you from communicating effectively, stops you from getting the results you want in...