Participants in my working globally workshops often raise the issue of the time difference for conference calls with the U.S. and Europe. Unfortunately, colleagues in those regions sometimes seem to forget about or be unaware of the time in Japan. Or maybe they are...
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How To Speak Confidently On Conference Calls – Part 2
In the last post, I recommended dialing in early to conference calls to allow time for technical trouble, hear the important information, and show respect for your colleagues. Dialing in early sets you up for success and helps your confidence. But then comes the big...
How To Speak Confidently On Conference Calls – Part 1
Speaking up in meetings is difficult enough – especially when it’s not in your native language, right? But it’s even more of a challenge when people are in different locations. When should you speak? Will others listen? What do they think of you? Conference calls:...
3 Tips For Effective Number Gestures In Presentations
You’ve probably heard that it’s good to use gestures in presentations, but maybe you feel uncomfortable and aren’t sure how to use gestures. One easy way to get started is to use gestures related to numbers. I’ve lost count of how many presentations I’ve seen in...
Scared Of Impromptu Speaking? Listen Up!
Have you ever panicked when suddenly asked to speak at an event or meeting? Speaking in public is scary enough even when you’ve had time to prepare. And worse when it’s impromptu, right? So here’s a quick tip from a recent experience. Attending a Tokyo University...
What’s The Best Way To Start A Presentation?
“Should I start my presentation with an attention grabber or self introduction?” This is a question I received recently. My answer: “It depends on your audience.” Look online for advice on the best way to start a presentation, and you’ll find numerous types of “hook”...
Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…
Yesterday, I coached a lovely Japanese lady. She had a communication-related goal, but hadn’t been making progress. I asked her why she wanted to achieve that goal, and she gave a reason. I then asked why that was important to her, so she gave a deeper reason. I...
3 Steps For Better Listening – Step 3
In Step 1 of this series, we talked about preparing to listen by removing distractions and empathizing. In Step 2, I introduced four tips to connect with the other person. Once you’ve focused and connected, it’s crucial to confirm that you’ve understood what the other...
3 Steps For Better Listening – Step 2
In Step 1 of this series, we talked about preparing to listen by removing distractions and empathizing. Once you're ready to focus on the other person, use these four simple ways to connect in a conversation. Four Simple Ways to Connect in Conversation 1. Make eye...
3 Steps For Better Listening – Step 1
Stephen Covey famously said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” I’d like to offer another observation, “Many people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to maintain...
How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Presentation Mistakes
Do you want to present with more clarity and confidence at conferences, team meetings, or sales pitches? Are you too busy to attend a presentation skills course in person? Would you like ongoing online encouragement to help you create great presentation habits? If so,...
英語の仕事術 – for clear, confident communication in global business
I'm so happy to see more people reading and talking about 英語の仕事術 - a book to help Japanese people communicate with more clarity and confidence in the global workplace. The five chapters cover 1. Listening and questioning 2. Giving presentations 3. Participating in...