I constantly encourage people in workshops, webinars, and coaching sessions to push out of their comfort zones to learn something new. I just did that. After running my business as a sole proprietorship for almost three years, I established the company Sasuga...
Looking for the Sasuga! Podcast? After over 4 years and 219 episodes, the podcast is on pause.
The good news is you can still enjoy them here: Apple Podcasts | Spotify
Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!
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4 Tips To Deal With Difficult Audience Questions
“When I’m giving a presentation, what should I do if I don’t know the answer to a question or need time to think?” People ask me this a lot. So let me share four tips here. 1. Paraphrase “Paraphrasing” means repeating in your own words what someone else said....
I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it
This post isn’t about communication. I really wanted to share this information though because this could make a HUGE difference to your business and life. It did to mine. If you’re uninspired by your corporate job and would love a way out, or if you’re a budding...
Free webinar: “What’s a webinar?” and Communication Q&A
A reader of the free monthly newsletter Sasuga! Tips For You recently emailed to suggest that I host a webinar on “how to participate in webinars and use them to your advantage.” So that’s what I’m doing 08:00-08:30 on Tuesday, October 27, Japan time. Part one: I’ll...
Do you need presentation skills coaching and practice in English?
I love sharing communication tips – especially presentation skills tips – through this blog, the Sasuga! Tips For You free monthly newsletter, and Twitter. I’m passionate about helping people to present with more confidence and clarity, whether in front of big...
Presentation Tip: Move The Furniture To Move Your Audience
While rearranging the chairs in the meeting room of a large corporation in central Tokyo recently, I realized that I now have no qualms about rolling up my sleeves and shifting the room layout to improve the presentation impact. In the past, I might have hesitated and...
Do You Have A Ritual You Use Before Presenting?
This was a question from Stuart Ayre through the Sasuga! Communications website. Thinking the topic might also help others, I’m sharing my response here. I’m assuming two things. First, I know who the audience is and have a clear message that is helpful for them....
Just How Bad Are You? Let The Audience Be The Judge!
I’ll never forget when a European colleague started a serious Japanese business presentation with “Tsumaranai nihongo de moshiwake gozaimasen” (I apologize for my boring Japanese). It was a genuine mistake. He meant to say “tsutanai nihongo” (poor Japanese). The...
How to get meetings off to a great start
What difficulties do you face when running meetings? Not achieving the goal No clear goal to start with People arriving late or leaving early Struggle getting some to speak up or getting others to shut up Trouble managing differences of opinion Easily going off track...
“Why Japan?” and why I’m saying “no” to translation
Two pieces of news: one about a book and one about a big decision. Why Japan? First, the book. I translated “Why Japan?” from Japanese to English at the beginning of the year. It’s now available in bookstores in Japan and on Kindle around the world. The original...
How to boost your confidence on telephone conference calls
Nervous about joining telephone conferences? Shy to speak up? Worried what you sound like? Unsure you can say something useful? You’re not alone. Clients often ask me for advice on this, so I’ve developed a 45-minute webinar to share easy and practical tips to help...
3 Steps To Keep Meetings Productive And On Track
While I was visiting the UK over the summer with my daughter, my father drove us up and down the British Isles to see old friends (thanks, dad!). For each part of the trip, he punched the destination into his GPS (what Brits call a “sat nav”), and the GPS planned the...