Last Friday, I went to an improv show. I like a good laugh. At the same time, I hoped to learn something about communication. In To Sell is Human, Dan Pink recommends taking tips from improv: 1. Hear offers, 2. Say “Yes and,” 3. Make your partner look good. Number...
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If you’re serious about translation, you seriously need to be at IJET-25!
This will be my 11th consecutive year attending the International Japanese-English Translation (IJET) Conference. The event gets bigger and better every year. This June, for the first time, it will be held in Tokyo, at Big Sight. It has a Big program – 70 sessions in...
Presentation Tips from Stock Photos
I spent hours searching for good stock photos to represent “giving presentations” on my website before the launch. So many to choose from, but I rejected all but a handful because most showed what not to do rather than what we should do. Three reasons stood out for...