
This month marks one year since I published 英語の仕事術 (Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu) – wahoo!

I’m thrilled that the book is now reading material for both Tokyo University’s Executive Management Program and Waseda Business School’s Strategic Thinking and Communication class.

Communication has been a challenge for us human beings for a looooooooooong time. In the early 1900s, George Bernard Shaw said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

What’s worrying is that miscommunication seems even more likely today in global business. Why is that? I see three reasons:

1. Greater diversity 

In the past, people in the same business were often from the same culture and had similar backgrounds. Today, we work with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, so what seems normal to one person can seem thoughtless or offensive to another.

2. Working remotely

In the past, people worked in the same location and communicated face to face. Today, we often work remotely and communicate via email, online chat, or telephone conferencing. When we can’t see the other person’s facial expression or know their tone of voice, we can easily misinterpret the message.

3. Heavier workloads 

In the past, people had a limited amount of information and tasks to deal with. Today, many of us are overwhelmed with data and to-do lists. We’re constantly under low-level (or even high-level) stress, which makes it difficult for us to think clearly. When we’re not thinking clearly, we can easily miscommunicate.

Miscommunication is mottainai (a waste or a shame). It leads to less-than-the-best business results, inefficiency, and stress.

It can be avoided.

That’s why I’m passionate about helping people to communicate with clarity and confidence.

Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu covers five crucial skill areas for global business communication:

1. Listening and questioning
2. Giving presentations
3. Participating in conference calls
4. Facilitating meetings
5. Dealing with conflict

I’m often asked if I’m going to publish an English version. While I don’t currently have plans for that, you have an array of opportunities right now to learn about many of the techniques that I teach as well as the stories I share in English.

The Sasuga! Tips For You weekly newsletter emailing you inspiration and communication techniques every Tuesday
Speak Like An Expert Online

Choose whichever suits you best and start taking simple steps to avoid the mottainai of miscommunication.

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Do you want to communicate clearly, confidently, and convincingly in your online meetings and presentations?

In the brand new self-study course Speak Like An Expert Online, you’ll learn how to

  • Analyze your audience to be sure your message matters to them
  • Overcome nerves, so that you can speak clearly and connect with your audience
  • Structure your communication to make it easy to follow
  • Make the most of your body language and voice to engage your audience and clarify your points
  • Design and deliver PowerPoint slides that clearly support your message instead of confusing your audience

and more

Discover all the ways Speak Like An Expert Online can help you here.