You may have heard me talk about the benefits of stepping OUT OF your comfort zone. Stepping out of your comfort zone means doing something uncomfortable - like giving a business presentation or telling a colleague that you disagree with his idea. Stepping out of your...
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How To Express Your Opinion In English
Here’s a post for my Japanese readers who are keen to communicate with clarity and confidence in global business. Do you struggle to find the proper words to express yourself in English? You may feel frustrated at work because you can’t show your true capability and...
How To Avoid Unnecessary Stress
Have you thought how much stress comes from what we tell ourselves about a situation rather than from the situation itself? Last week, I spent a lovely time in Germany, reuniting with friends from my student days there - 29 years ago!!! On the final morning in our...
3 Top Tips For Remote Teams
Do you work with colleagues in multiple locations? Have you experienced the miscommunication and frustration that come from a lack of face-to-face meetings, different languages and cultures, and varied time zones? I first learned how to work effectively with remote...
3 Musts for Meaningful Meetings – Part 3
Even if you clarify the meeting goals and roles of each participant, the conversation can easily go off track if the facilitator fails to align everyone on the ways that you will get things done in a meeting. Let me give you two examples: brainstorming and decision...
3 Musts for Meaningful Meetings – Part 2
What role do you play in meetings? Is everyone in your meetings clear about their role and how best to contribute to achieving the meeting goals? Like unclear goals, a lack of clear roles leads to poor results, wasted time, and disengaged or frustrated colleagues. So...
3 Musts for Meaningful Meetings – Part 1
Do you have a facilitator in your business meetings? It’s the facilitator’s role to lead the meeting and make it easy for participants to achieve the meeting goals. Did you know that the word “facilitate” comes from the Latin “facilis,” which means “easy”? Sadly, in...
What Does This Participant Say About The Retreat?
Minori Hanashima, who joined the second Sasuga You! Self-Discovery Weekend, gives us her impressions in this 5-minute video in Japanese. What does “retreat” mean to you? Retreats are quite normal in the West, but the concept is still new to Japan. Minori initially...
How To Give A Tough Message To Your Colleagues
An Interview With Luping Liu I’m delighted to share with you an interview with Luping Liu. She was born in China and is a long-term Japan resident. Leading human resources for the Asia-Pacific region for a global firm, successful communication is crucial for Luping,...
Celebrating 5 Years of Sasuga!
When was the last time you celebrated? Do you rush from one task to the next, thinking about what you still have to do? Do you neglect to celebrate or even recognize what you’ve achieved? Do you forget to be grateful? I easily fall into that trap. But now I’m being...
What Should I Do With My Hands When Presenting?
If you’re a normal human being, you feel nervous when giving a presentation. People who look confident speaking in public have had training and/or lots of practice - or are not normal 🙂 One of the most common questions people ask me about presentation skills is “What...
When The Unexpected Happens In Your Presentation
I’m guessing you feel nervous about giving presentations? Unless you’ve had LOTS of practice - either through experience or training - you probably feel uncomfortable speaking in front of people. That’s normal for us as human beings because we want to be accepted by...