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Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!

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Do you need presentation skills coaching and practice in English?

I love sharing communication tips – especially presentation skills tips – through this blog, the Sasuga! Tips For You free monthly newsletter, and Twitter. I’m passionate about helping people to present with more confidence and clarity, whether in front of big...

Presentation Tip: Move The Furniture To Move Your Audience

Presentation Tip: Move The Furniture To Move Your Audience

While rearranging the chairs in the meeting room of a large corporation in central Tokyo recently, I realized that I now have no qualms about rolling up my sleeves and shifting the room layout to improve the presentation impact. In the past, I might have hesitated and...

Do You Have A Ritual You Use Before Presenting?

Do You Have A Ritual You Use Before Presenting?

This was a question from Stuart Ayre through the Sasuga! Communications website. Thinking the topic might also help others, I’m sharing my response here. I’m assuming two things. First, I know who the audience is and have a clear message that is helpful for them....

Just How Bad Are You? Let The Audience Be The Judge!

Just How Bad Are You? Let The Audience Be The Judge!

I’ll never forget when a European colleague started a serious Japanese business presentation with “Tsumaranai nihongo de moshiwake gozaimasen” (I apologize for my boring Japanese). It was a genuine mistake. He meant to say “tsutanai nihongo” (poor Japanese). The...

Can you learn presentation skills online?

Can you learn presentation skills online?

A few years ago, I laughed at the idea of learning presentation skills online. You have to be in the room to experience it and get feedback, I thought. I seem to have proven myself wrong. This month, 12 people participated in my live webinar on “How to Wow your...

Sasuga! Presentation Skills course starts May 19 in Tokyo

Sasuga! Presentation Skills course starts May 19 in Tokyo

If you're interested in working with me on presentations, click here. Do you want to improve your presentation skills? Speak with confidence in meetings with colleagues of multiple nationalities? Communicate clearly on global calls? The Sasuga! Presentation Skills...

Let your presentation skills bloom – contact Sasuga! soon

Let your presentation skills bloom – contact Sasuga! soon

I was surprised and delighted to receive the flowers in the photo from participants who completed the first five-session Sasuga! Presentation Skills Course. What a beautiful reminder of how everyone's confidence and skills bloomed over several weeks. One participant...

How to improve communication skills with Teamcation

How to improve communication skills with Teamcation

We had some extra fun at a Sasuga! Presentation Skills workshop the other day with Teamcation. I first heard of Teamcation when the inventors of the activity – a group of international school girls aged from 11 to 12 – emailed and asked to interview me as a...

What do you like about your presentation?

What do you like about your presentation?

“My jacket,” replied one workshop participant when I asked her what she liked about her presentation as we reviewed a video of it. We all laughed. At least she told me something she liked. Frequently, people immediately respond with what they don’t like when I ask...

How to move to move your audience

How to move to move your audience

No, that’s not a typo in the title. I’m talking about how you can move physically as a presenter to help move your audience emotionally and get your message across. This follows last week’s post “An easy step to presenting with more confidence,” which highlighted the...

An easy step to presenting with more confidence

An easy step to presenting with more confidence

Some of you have asked for presentation tips. Here’s one: think about where you’re standing when giving a presentation. It affects how you come across to your audience and can boost your confidence. Let’s take three typical settings in business and public speaking: No...

To “er” is human

To “er” is human

Coaching a Japanese executive in presentation skills a few weeks ago, the first time I asked him to stand up and speak he began with, “I, er, would, er, like, er, to, er…” It was the worst case of the “ers” that I’d ever heard. People often claim that they say “er” or...