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Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!

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4 Keys To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

4 Keys To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever tell yourself that your work isn’t good enough?Do you often compare yourself with others in your business?Are you reluctant to ask for help from colleagues or others with more experience?Do you tend to overwork?Do you often replay events over and over in...

Working With New Colleagues

Working With New Colleagues

It’s the time of year in Japan when people are getting ready to work with new colleagues as the business year begins April. Are you starting at a new company, moving to a new department, or welcoming new team members? You may feel nervous. You want to make a good...

How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Presentation Mistakes

Do you want to present with more clarity and confidence at conferences, team meetings, or sales pitches? Are you too busy to attend a presentation skills course in person? Would you like ongoing online encouragement to help you create great presentation habits? If so,...

“Why Japan?” and why I’m saying “no” to translation

“Why Japan?” and why I’m saying “no” to translation

Two pieces of news: one about a book and one about a big decision. Why Japan? First, the book. I translated “Why Japan?” from Japanese to English at the beginning of the year. It’s now available in bookstores in Japan and on Kindle around the world. The original...

What’s your Unique Selling Point and Value Proposition?

What’s your Unique Selling Point and Value Proposition?

Translators and interpreters are often known more for their linguistic flare than their business acumen. They are so focused on doing the work and meeting deadlines that they forget to step back and consider how they market themselves. Yet without a USP and value...

Translator productivity tips from Yuji Akaba

Translator productivity tips from Yuji Akaba

If you’ve been in translation for a few years, you’ve probably heard the same types of translator tips many times, such as specialize in a certain field, use translation memory, and use voice recognition. So it was refreshing to hear tips from productivity expert Yuji...

How to boost your translation skills and quality

How to boost your translation skills and quality

Competition is tough for translators these days. The Internet has made it possible for anyone, anywhere, to set up shop as a translator. And machine translation – while still often producing gobbledygook and a good laugh – is becoming a viable option in certain...

Translator tips from localizing Doraemon, Gundam, and more

Translator tips from localizing Doraemon, Gundam, and more

What a treat to have Matt Alt return as a speaker at the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) Tokyo seminar on Saturday, January 24, after his informative and entertaining “Yokai Attack” presentation in September 2001. Even better, Matt was joined by his business...

Sasuga! Communications nominated for British Business Awards

Sasuga! Communications nominated for British Business Awards

Having only joined the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan in October, it was quite a surprise and honor to be nominated for the 2014 British Business Awards in not just one, but two categories: New Market Entrant and Entrepreneur of the Year. The award ceremony took...

Telling your story at FEW’s Career Strategies Seminar

Telling your story at FEW’s Career Strategies Seminar

I’m delighted to have been invited to give a workshop – Telling Your Story – at the 18th Career Strategies Seminar held by For Empowering Women (FEW). FEW is a women’s networking group in Tokyo supporting and empowering women to achieve their goals personally and...

IJET-25 – a Big Success at Tokyo Big Sight

IJET-25 – a Big Success at Tokyo Big Sight

More than 560 people attended the 25th International Japanese-English Translation (IJET) conference at Tokyo Big Sight on June 21 and 22. Huge thanks to Cathy Eberst and her hard-working committee of volunteers who organized this amazing event. The conference was a...

Difficult to get to workshops?

Difficult to get to workshops?

Much as you want to build your skills, you may find it difficult to get to workshops. Maybe you’re just too busy or live too far away. Webinars could be your answer. I hosted my first webinar last Saturday. After my presentation for participants of the Japan Exchange...