

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 8.

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Hello and welcome to Day 8 of the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge.

Today’s topic is having fun.

Very often we get really busy with work, we have family responsibilities, maybe we have other responsibilities — being on a committee or something — and we forget to take time to have fun. We forget to take time for ourselves.

And this is something about how we communicate with ourselves. Are we always putting other people first and forgetting about ourselves?

But the problem is that tends to lead to stress. It leads to burnout.

And it’s like when you’re on a plane — that you really need to put on your own oxygen mask first, so that you can help other people.

And as I’m telling you this, I’m telling me this too because I’m very much guilty of forgetting to take breaks and forgetting to take time to have fun.

So today’s challenge from Natalie is to have fun.

So we do something, we talk about it.

And as it happens, today I’m going to a picnic — although it’s not going to be a picnic outside because it’s raining. We’re going to a friend’s house for the picnic.

So I’m going to be having some fun today.

And I even baked a nut loaf, which you can’t see at the moment. It’s still in its foil cooling down. But maybe I’ll take a photo and put it in with the blog post.

But I thought maybe that’s cheating because this is fun that’s already planned.

So I’m going to have some more fun this week since I’ll be working next weekend.

I’m going to take Wednesday afternoon off. I’m going to go to the spa. And I think maybe a little massage — actually a one-hour massage after the spa would be really good. So then I’m going to have some extra fun this week!

And what about you?

What kind of fun are you going to have this week?

Well I hope you’re going to come back for Day 9 of the blog challenge. I don’t know what the question is yet. Looking forward to it and I hope you’ll be back.

Bye. Have fun!

Tadaaa! Nut loaf

Tadaaa! Nut loaf


Other posts in the 10 Day Blog Challenge series:

Day 1 – Challenges that hold me back

Day 2 – What’s my why?

Day 3 – My perfect day

Day 4 – My superpowers!

Day 5 – Setting up for success!

Day 6 – Who inspires me?

Day 7 – Beating procrastination