

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 9.

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Hello and welcome to Day 9 of the 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge.

Today’s topic is location independence. So that means that you can work from anywhere — doesn’t matter where you are.

And in my business already I have quite a bit of location independence because I’m moving more of my business online as well as still going to companies and giving workshops there, doing one-on-one coaching, but also using video conferencing to be able to do that with people no matter where they are. And also offering more in online courses and other things that are, I hope, helpful to people online so people can access them anywhere, anytime.

So the challenge for today from Natalie is to imagine that we are in Portugal for a month (!) and how do we balance our work and our life in that situation?

So this is great for me to think about because I was actually in Portugal over the summer for a retreat, and it was fantastic.

Learned so much and got to see some of the sights as well.

So here’s how I imagine my day going in Portugal, being there for a month.

So I wake up in the morning and my routine is pretty much as it is normally. So I have a 30-minute walk and then meditation and journaling, and then some delicious Portuguese breakfast, with some salad and some cheese and some bread, and maybe some of those little — I think they’re called “Nata” — this little delicious pastry thing. But maybe not want every day if I’m there for a month!

And then going to a nice workspace and connecting with my team, checking that everything’s under control, spending some time focusing on creating some content — maybe a video or two. And then getting on to a video conference call and doing some coaching in presentation skills with an executive who’s got a big presentation coming up.

That’s pretty much the end of the workday. Then for lunch, I would go and meet a friend — maybe Natalie because she’s in Portugal. I know she has a house now in Portugal. Maybe I’m even staying there. And we have this fabulous, relaxing lunch and chatting.

And then go off to see some sights in the area.

Late in the afternoon, find somewhere to relax, maybe a little beach area or maybe a pool. Do some reading and more relaxing, and then get ready and go out for a lovely dinner.

And come home, back to where I’m staying, and write my journal about what a wonderful day it’s been.

And then have a nice sleep. Ready for another day like that again the next day.

Actually sounds pretty good!

I might have to talk to Natalie and work on this one.

So what about you?

Are you the sort of person who’s looking for that location independence lifestyle and, if so, what’s your ideal? What would happen if you were spending a month in Portugal or wherever you would like to spend that time?

Or if that’s not your thing, how does this apply to you in terms of taking breaks and having flexibility and having freedom?

Have a think about it. And I hope you’ll be back tomorrow for Day 10 of the challenge. Bye!



Other posts in the 10 Day Blog Challenge series:

Day 1 – Challenges that hold me back

Day 2 – What’s my why?

Day 3 – My perfect day

Day 4 – My superpowers!

Day 5 – Setting up for success!

Day 6 – Who inspires me?

Day 7 – Beating procrastination

Day 8 – Having fun?