A conversation with Kumiko Sugihara

Kumiko is an ordinary Japanese woman who made an extraordinary transformation.

After leaving her high-performing corporate career to be a stay-at-home mum, she completely lost her confidence. She felt embarrassed and useless because she thought she wasn’t contributing to society. She was often consumed with negative thinking – comparing herself with women who she saw as successful and telling herself that she should be doing more.

After several years of struggle, Kumiko started to focus on her personal development and received coaching on how to get out of the negative spiral and live a better life.

Today, she runs her own business as a food and flower designer. She enjoys bringing joy and abundance to people’s dining tables. She’s also a highly-valued member of Team Sasuga! and works from home while raising her two children. 

In my conversation with Kumiko on Episode 62 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • How setting your intention makes a difference to how your day turns out
  • Kumiko’s secret to accelerated success – and you can easily do this too
  • The words of advice that present-day Kumiko would give to Kumiko from two years ago 



Watch this interview on YouTube

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