– Is It Appropriate To Stay Positive?

How are you feeling? I know these are really tough times for many of us, with unexpected cancellations of events and holidays, businesses under threat, strained relationships, unease from isolation, and threats to health and life.

When you’re facing an uncertain future, do you tend to focus on the worst case scenario? 

Do you find yourself filled with sadness or despair and unable to take a step forward? 

Or do you look for what you can do to help make yourself or others feel better, including paying attention to the positives – however small they may seem to be?

I choose to focus on what I can do. I choose to focus on the positive.

Some people criticize positivity in general. Some people criticize my positivity specifically.

They assume that I’m diminishing the significance of situations or suppressing my feelings in an unhealthy way. Some think that I don’t care about others or respect their opinions and feelings.

That’s not the case at all…

In Episode 63 of the Sasuga! Podcast, I share my perspectives on

  • Why it’s normal for human beings to fear the unknown and why you don’t have to  
  • How we can be positive and still feel empathy and deeply respect others’ opinions and feelings
  • How we can choose where we place our attention and the impact that has on us and those around us

If you choose to listen, I hope you find this episode uplifting.

Links for you

Ask Helen LiveAnswering the question “How can I stay focused?” 

Sasuga! VIP Women’s Coaching – Learn more and get on the interest list now for the next 3-month online group program (women only)

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