“Retreat” means to withdraw or go back.
It has a meaning of “getting away from something.”
I first experienced a retreat during my corporate days. We had a company retreat where all the employees went away together for a few days. We stayed in a fancy hotel and did fun activities together to get to know each other better, away from the everyday work environment.
At one of the retreats, I remember, we had a competition for who could squeeze the most juice out of an orange. I was up against my boss at the time – a chap from the UK. He had difficulty accepting that he lost to me. He said my orange must have been bigger and juicier to start with. This was actually in the days when I was training hard in karate and I had an iron grip!
I really enjoyed those company retreats and was so grateful to my company for organizing them.
A retreat is a chance to “get away” from your everyday work and life, have fun, connect with great people, and learn something new. It’s refreshing and uplifting, so that you can come back to your work or life with new perspectives, skills, connections, and energy.
How much could you benefit from that right now, especially in the continuing uncertainty and stress of the coronavirus pandemic?
Of course, in-person retreats aren’t a possibility just now, so I decided to host an online retreat for Golden Week!
In Episode 68 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear:
- The unusual highlight of my multiple international retreat experiences
- The secret to getting the cooperation of family members or roommates
- How you can still learn from and connect with the 7 magnificent guest speakers even if you can’t join the Sasuga! Online Retreat live

Enjoy your very own online retreat whenever you want from the comfort of your home.
This is an opportunity to learn new professional and fun skills, be inspired by different perspectives, connect with amazing women, and enjoy a breath of fresh air.
Click below for details of the Sasuga! Online Retreat.
Links for you
Episode 49 – People Pleasers Aren’t Productive – An Interview with Noriko Suzumura
Episode 67 – Be Present In The Moment – An interview with visionary artist Joan Marie
Ask Helen Live – Answering the question “How Can I Control My Instant Emotions?”
Sasuga! VIP Women’s Coaching – Get on the interest list now for the next program and be the first to know about the next online training opportunity for you (women only)
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