A conversation with Manners Hiroko

Have you ever stopped to think about how manners can impact your business performance and job satisfaction?

If you’re like most people, probably not, right?

Manners isn’t just saying “please” and “thank you.” It’s not just knowing which knife and fork to use when you have a selection of cutlery lined up by your plate at a fancy restaurant.

Manners is about taking other people into consideration and communicating and behaving accordingly.

And this has a big impact in the working environment. It even impacts business performance.

Manners Hiroko is an expert in her field. She holds workshops for major corporations, advises for TV shows, and has published numerous books on the subject of manners.

In our recent conversation, we talked about how she developed confidence in her career and how manners impact business. 

In Episode 69 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll also hear:

  • How to use your failures to be a better leader
  • The secret to continuing growth when you’re more advanced in your career
  • Typical mistakes that Japanese people make in global business communication

This conversation with Manners Hiroko is in Japanese.



Watch this interview on YouTube

Connect with Manners Hiroko:


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