– A conversation with Lisa Carpenter
Let me ask you, how HARD are you working to succeed in your professional and personal life?
What are you doing regularly that – when you actually stop and think about it – really isn’t good for your health, your relationships, or your performance?
Most of the time when I told people I was joining international calls at 2 a.m. Japan time, they responded with words of admiration and respect:
“Oh, you’re so committed, Helen.”
When I spoke with Master Coach and Resiliency Expert Lisa Carpenter for the first time, her comeback was very different:
“Helen, do you think your body is supposed to be wide awake at 2 a.m.?”
At first, I attempted to justify myself by saying that I really had no problem going to bed early and then waking up for the call.
Lisa just glared at me.
I realized that even if I could get up relatively easily, it was difficult for me to get back to sleep because my head was buzzing with ideas. And then I was tired and less productive for the rest of the day.
Lisa was absolutely right. Getting up in the middle of the night to work wasn’t good for me.
If you have a tendency to push yourself and work really hard, I’m sure you’ll be intrigued by Lisa’s words of wisdom on this week’s Sasuga! Podcast episode, as she encourages you to love what you do, but love yourself more.
In Episode 71 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear:
- How to rest – it may sound simple, but resting is often the most difficult thing for high-functioning women to do
- Why adapting to change can be so exhausting – and what you can do about that
- What to do when you’re interested in so many things and want to do them all
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Watch this interview on YouTube
Connect with Lisa:
Links for you
Sasuga! Online Retreat – Uplevel your skills and uplift your spirits while working from home. Learn from 8 expert videos, connect with women like you, and have fun – with the self-paced Sasuga! Online Retreat

Sasuga! VIP Women’s Coaching – Get on the interest list now for the next program and be the first to know about the next online training opportunity for you (women only)
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