How often are you using Zoom these days?
Only a few months ago, I regularly had to explain what Zoom was when Japanese managers and executives were signing up for my online coaching and programs.
Now, it seems that most Japanese business professionals are familiar with Zoom.
Already by April 2020, Zoom was reporting over 300 million daily meeting participants, compared with just 10 million in December. That’s quite a leap!
But how confident are you about engaging your audience on Zoom?
These days, people are easily distracted, and it can be difficult enough to engage your audience even when you’re in the same room. When you’re presenting online, it’s even more of a challenge, right?
I’ve been presenting through Zoom for years and, as you may or may not know, I’ve been coaching managers, executives, and consultants in presentations skills since my McKinsey days back in the mid-2000s.
In Episode 74 of the Sasuga! Podcast, I share with you my top 3 tips to engage your audience on Zoom. You’ll also hear:
- Why your brain is wired to pay attention to faces
- 4 specific questions you can ask to boost engagement right from the beginning of your meeting
- How to be sure your audience is following your slides and not confused by them
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Links for you
Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu – My book introduces essential communication techniques for global business. Available in paperback and Kindle versions
Speak Like An Expert Online – Stop worrying about your English in online meetings and start communicating clearly and convincingly in this self-study course
12 Essential Phrases For Clear, Confident English Presentations – In Person and Online – Download this free guide for some useful phrases to make your English presentations – both in-person and online, run smoothly.

Sasuga! VIP Women’s Coaching – Get on the interest list now for the next program and be the first to know about the next online training opportunity for you (women only)
Sasuga! Tips For You newsletter – Get practical techniques, resources, and inspiration every Tuesday in English