Last Friday, I went to an improv show. I like a good laugh. At the same time, I hoped to learn something about communication.

In To Sell is Human, Dan Pink recommends taking tips from improv: 1. Hear offers, 2. Say “Yes and,” 3. Make your partner look good.

Number three is a given for me and is part of the reason for the business name Sasuga! Communications. So I focused on learning more about the first two points. I noticed how the improv actors heard offers – listening to each other to uncover opportunities. They also said “Yes and.” This doesn’t mean they actually spoke these words. It was a matter of attitude and action. When one actor had an idea about how to proceed with a scene, other actors accepted and built on that. A few times I saw an actor seemed about to go in another direction, but quickly adapted to build on what the first had said or done. The result was a spontaneous, creative, and entertaining musical!

I think these tips have huge potential to help us improve our business communication, in turn bringing better business results and greater work satisfaction. For example, how often have you been in a meeting where your idea or someone else’s wasn’t heard (or even spoken)? That might have been the idea that could have led to the best solution for your problem but became a missed opportunity. Or how often has a “yes, but” response squished enthusiasm? How might a “yes and” have made a difference?

I’m keen to explore improv’s benefits more, so as well as being conscious to “hear offers” and say “yes and” in my business communication, I’m planning to attend a workshop.

Have you used improv to improve your business communication?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles,

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12 Essential Phrases For Clear, Confident English Presentations – In Person and Online

Do you want to speak more clearly and confidently in your presentations and meetings – both online and in person?

This guide gives you

  • 12 essential English phrases that will help you to feel more confident and sound more credible
  • 3 top tips to deliver slides like an expert
  • Best practice advice for 6 fundamental sections of your presentation

Yes, I want to speak confidently!