Say “Yes, I Can Do It,” And Then You Can Start Anything

Say “Yes, I Can Do It,” And Then You Can Start Anything

An Interview With Kyoko Bowskill, Founder Of Link このインタビューでは、Linkの創業者ボウスキル京子さんのコミュニケーションにおける成功とチャレンジをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。ぜひご覧ください! Don’t you LOVE furoshiki? So many great designs and you can use them in multiple ways. I was fascinated when I heard Kyoko Bowskill speak...
What To Say At Networking Events

What To Say At Networking Events

この記事では、ネットワーキングイベントで何を話したら良いかをご紹介しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! Do you feel awkward at networking events? Not sure how to approach someone or what to say? In Japan, at least the formalities of exchanging business cards give us something to do and say, but what else? At...
Communication Lessons From The Big Leap

Communication Lessons From The Big Leap

この記事では、ゲイ・ヘンドリックスの「The Big Leap」について紹介しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! Essentialism has been my favorite book for a long time, but I’ve now found another that I’m obsessed with. I read it and then immediately started rereading it: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. I’ve been...
Why Speaking Correct English Can Confuse Your Audience

Why Speaking Correct English Can Confuse Your Audience

この記事では、相手にきちんとメッセージを伝えるためのコツをご紹介しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! Picture this: A talented Japanese businesswoman is updating an executive from global headquarters on the progress of a new project. She has good news, but the executive thinks things aren’t going so well. Or...
How To Do Less But Better: Essentialism

How To Do Less But Better: Essentialism

この記事では、グレッグ・マキューンの「エッセンシャル思考 最少の時間で成果を最大にする」について紹介しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! The other day, I lied. I was HORRIFIED because I like to think of myself as an honest person. But the lie just plopped out of my mouth before I could even think. While ordering lunch, I...
Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…

Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…

この記事では、質問をすることで、職場での不必要なコンフリクトを回避するためのヒントをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! Yesterday, I coached a lovely Japanese lady. She had a communication-related goal, but hadn’t been making progress. I asked her why she wanted to achieve that goal, and she gave a reason. I then...