Is Your Communication Like Tennis?

Is Your Communication Like Tennis?

この記事では、テニスのようにコミュニケーションをすることの例を説明しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! This week and next, I’ll share two common communication styles that I often see among my corporate clients. These communication styles don’t work well. If one of these sounds like your style, I have a new...
Benefit From Coaching, Journaling, And Giving “Genki”

Benefit From Coaching, Journaling, And Giving “Genki”

このインタビューでは、ジャパニーズマーケティングエキスパートの中村メイさんのコミュニケーションにおける成功とチャレンジをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。ぜひご覧ください! An Interview With Japanese Marketing Expert May Nakamura   I discovered May Nakamura when she found out about me through Emiko Rasmussen of the Her Confidence Her Way podcast....
Think About Your Goal Each Morning Before You Apply Your Makeup

Think About Your Goal Each Morning Before You Apply Your Makeup

– An Interview With Makeup Artist Nobue Doi このインタビューでは、メイクアップアーティストの土居伸江さんのコミュニケーションにおける成功とチャレンジをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。ぜひご覧ください!   What kind of communicator do you want to be? I want to be a communicator who helps to press people’s buttons to “on”. What “on” means...
Who Are You Pointing The Finger At?

Who Are You Pointing The Finger At?

この記事では、問題を誰かのせいにする前に見方を変えれば良い結果に方向転換できてしまう例をご紹介しています!。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! When was the last time you were annoyed with someone? You were sure that what happened was the other person’s fault. Have you heard the saying “When you point your finger at someone else,...
5 Ways To Go From Fear To Fun When You Give Presentations

5 Ways To Go From Fear To Fun When You Give Presentations

この記事では、プレゼンの「恐怖」を「楽しみ」に変える5つのヒントをご紹介しています!。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! “I get so nervous about speaking in public.” Many clients tell me this when we start working together. And my response is usually, “Good. That means you’re a normal human being.” As human beings,...
Say “Yes, I Can Do It,” And Then You Can Start Anything

Say “Yes, I Can Do It,” And Then You Can Start Anything

An Interview With Kyoko Bowskill, Founder Of Link このインタビューでは、Linkの創業者ボウスキル京子さんのコミュニケーションにおける成功とチャレンジをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。ぜひご覧ください! Don’t you LOVE furoshiki? So many great designs and you can use them in multiple ways. I was fascinated when I heard Kyoko Bowskill speak...