3 Steps For Better Listening – Step 3

3 Steps For Better Listening – Step 3

この記事では、会話中に話を理解していることを示すために使える、二つのフレーズをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! In Step 1 of this series, we talked about preparing to listen by removing distractions and empathizing. In Step 2, I introduced four tips to connect with the other person. Once you’ve focused and...
Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…

Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…

この記事では、質問をすることで、職場での不必要なコンフリクトを回避するためのヒントをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! Yesterday, I coached a lovely Japanese lady. She had a communication-related goal, but hadn’t been making progress. I asked her why she wanted to achieve that goal, and she gave a reason. I then...
How 2 Communication Lessons Helped Me Create And Launch A New Product In 7 Days

How 2 Communication Lessons Helped Me Create And Launch A New Product In 7 Days

この記事では、私がビジネス上のチャレンジに挑んだことで学んだ二つのレッスンをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! It’s so easy when facing a hurdle to give up and settle for what we’ve got, right? We tell ourselves, “It’s too difficult. I can’t do it. I’m not good enough.” Or we justify our inaction with...
How Do You Choose To Communicate With Yourself And Others?

How Do You Choose To Communicate With Yourself And Others?

この記事では、自分自身とのコミュニケーションが他人とのコミュニケーションと同等に重要であることをお話しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! One day, I was taking a low-cost carrier flight from Manchester to Paris. The aircraft was old, cramped, and grubby. When we deplaned, everyone piled onto a bus that drove us a long, long way...
How To Avoid Misunderstandings In The Workplace – Especially In Japan

How To Avoid Misunderstandings In The Workplace – Especially In Japan

この記事では、グローバルな職場で誤解を回避する一つの方法をご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! I asked Sasuga! Tips For You readers their biggest communication difficulty at work. One replied, “Avoiding misunderstandings.” I can understand that. You too? I have one quick and super effective tip for you....
To “Er” Is Human

To “Er” Is Human

この記事では、「er(えー)」や「um(えっと)」を言わないようにする方法をご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! Coaching a Japanese executive in presentation skills a few weeks ago, the first time I asked him to stand up and speak he began with, “I, er, would, er, like, er, to, er…” It was the worst case of the...