Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…

Why Ask More Questions? And A Word Of Warning…

この記事では、質問をすることで、職場での不必要なコンフリクトを回避するためのヒントをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! Yesterday, I coached a lovely Japanese lady. She had a communication-related goal, but hadn’t been making progress. I asked her why she wanted to achieve that goal, and she gave a reason. I then...
3 Steps To Keep Meetings Productive And On Track

3 Steps To Keep Meetings Productive And On Track

この記事では、司会者が会議を時間通りに進め、生産性の高い会議にするための3つのコツをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! While I was visiting the UK over the summer with my daughter, my father drove us up and down the British Isles to see old friends (thanks, dad!). For each part of the trip, he punched the...
Bring Out Your Demon For More Productive Meetings

Bring Out Your Demon For More Productive Meetings

この記事では、会議中コンフリクトなく最善な解決策にたどり着くための質問についてご紹介しています。記事は英語です。どうぞお役立てください! Do you ever disagree with what’s being said in a meeting, but stay quiet? You doubt your judgment or simply want to keep the peace? Or perhaps you don’t question what your colleagues propose – just...