
What Should I Do With My Hands When Presenting?

この記事では、プレゼン時に避けるべき手の置き場所について動画でご紹介しています。 記事と動画は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! If you’re a normal human being, you feel nervous when giving a presentation. People who look confident speaking in public have had training and/or lots of practice – or are not normal 🙂 One of the...

When The Unexpected Happens In Your Presentation

この記事では、予想外の状況でのプレゼンに対処する方法をご紹介しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! I’m guessing you feel nervous about giving presentations? Unless you’ve had LOTS of practice – either through experience or training – you probably feel uncomfortable speaking in front of people....
Top Tip From My Waseda Teaching Award Acceptance Speech

Top Tip From My Waseda Teaching Award Acceptance Speech

この記事では、どんなプレゼンでも使える3つのコツをご紹介します。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! Wow! I was amazed to receive the Waseda University Teaching Award for my business school course in Strategic Thinking and Effective Communication. I was invited to attend the commencement ceremony and had tears in...
3 Fatal Hand Positions In Presentations

3 Fatal Hand Positions In Presentations

この記事では、プレゼンにおいて致命的な手の場所について説明しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! Do you wonder what to do with your hands when giving presentations? Let me first share with you what NOT to do – three common hand positions to avoid if you want to build trust with your audience and get...
Problems With A Coworker? Recognize Different Workstyles And Listen

Problems With A Coworker? Recognize Different Workstyles And Listen

このインタビューでは、弊社代表取締役の岩田ヘレンのコミュニケーションにおける成功とチャレンジをご紹介しています。記事は英語です。ぜひご覧ください! An Interview With Helen Iwata, Founder and President of Sasuga Communications K. K. Hellooooooo! I’m Helen Iwata of Sasuga Communications K. K., based in Tokyo. And I’m here to help you...
Is Your Communication Like Basketball?

Is Your Communication Like Basketball?

この記事では、バスケットボールのようにコミュニケーションをすることの例を説明しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞお役立てください! In my last post, I introduced the benefits of picturing your communication as a game of tennis – with the ball going back and forth between the players. That’s not always the best game to play...