

I’ll never forget my first presentation skills training as a participant. We each had to give a short presentation in front of the group. I was so nervous. I spoke my first few sentences. Then my mind when blank. I stopped talking. Couldn’t remember what to say next. Panic!

After what seemed like many minutes of standing there frozen in front of a wide-eyed audience, I managed to find some words and start speaking again.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the whole episode had been videoed. And we had to watch the replay as a group. It was going to be bad. I knew it.

But what I saw really surprised me. There I was talking. Then I paused. And started talking again. I actually looked quite confident from the outside even though I was dying inside.

Wow, what a huge lesson and a big boost to my confidence! Maybe I could do this presentation thing after all?

Next time you’re presenting, why not give it a go? Embrace the power of the pause.

(Yes, I admit it, it’s a photo of “paws.”)