

When was the last time you celebrated?

Do you rush from one task to the next, thinking about what you still have to do? Do you neglect to celebrate or even recognize what you’ve achieved? Do you forget to be grateful?

I easily fall into that trap. But now I’m being more intentional about celebration and gratitude.

And now is the perfect time!

Why? Because May 1, 2018 (the day I’m writing this), marks 5 years of Sasuga! That’s 5 years and one day since I ended my 10-year career at McKinsey, Tokyo, to establish my own business – supporting fabulous people like you to communicate with clarity and confidence in global business.

Today, I’m writing about how I got here, who I’m grateful to, and what’s next for Sasuga! I hope this encourages you to take a moment to reflect on YOUR achievements, gratitude, and direction too.

How I got here

When I started my business in 2013, I offered two services: translation and communication skills training. I had expertise and passion in both.

In fact, I chose the name Sasuga! because of both:
1.   I believe that communication should be clear and concise. When you say “Sasuga!” it’s clear and concise (see 3 below for the meaning).
2.   I believe that communication should ultimately make the other person feel good. People feel good when you say “Sasuga!” to them.
3.   No single English word conveys the meaning of “Sasuga” in every situation. It’s an excellent example of how difficult translation is (possible translations of “Sasuga” range from “That’s exactly the sort of wonderful thing I would expect from someone as fabulous as you” to “Atta girl” to “Wow!”).

A few months into my business, the big need for communication skills training and coaching was clear, so I decided to stop translating and focus where I could add most value.

Initially, I worked with multinationals, delivering workshops and one-on-one coaching in presentation skills, meeting facilitation, and other communication skills. I LOVED that work – seeing the change in people’s skills and confidence in just a few hours.

Then, I discovered the wonders of online business and started to share communication tips through my newsletter and blog, as well as webinars, Facebook Lives, and YouTube videos – repeatedly stepping out of my comfort zone.

And I poured everything I knew about presentation skills essentials into my self-study online course Speak Like An Expert (15日間完結、一生使えるプレゼン術をマスターする).

I’m passionate about overcoming もったいない (mottainai) – when people have ideas and potential, but lack skills or confidence. Opening their eyes to a few techniques and encouraging them as they practice has a HUGE impact – in their business results and personal happiness. And that makes me happy too!

In August 2017, with my fabulous co-facilitator and former McKinsey colleague Rebecca De Regt, we ran the first Sasuga You! Self-Discovery Weekend – an opportunity for an intimate group of working women to go from がまん (gaman – putting up with the situation) to ワクワク(wakuwaku – joy) as they build confidence in English, connect with amazing women, and relax and revitalize in the beautiful onsen town of Iwaki Yumoto. We’ve held two retreats so far and the next one is November 10-12, 2018.

I’m sooooooo excited about this!

Who I’m grateful to

Most businesses fail in their first two years. I’m still here five years on thanks to

YOU – because you’re reading this!
My fabulous family and friends – I love you all to bits!
My lovely corporate, university, and individual clients – it means so much to me when you email me about your latest successful presentation or promotion
My community – all subscribers to Sasuga! Tips For You, members of the free Sasuga! Community Facebook group, and readers of my blog and social media
My team – past and present – Alex, Cher, Kat, May, and Yumi (and Kai-san and the Shogakukan and Nikkei Style teams)
My support groups, coaches, and mentors – Business By Design with James Wedmore, Chari, FEW Tokyo, Find Your Element, the Freedom Plan with Natalie Sisson, GEE, Ginza Hub, Her Confidence Her Way, Hiroko Nishide, LiveBig, Mahindra, Rebecca De Regt, TEDx Roppongi, UPW Japan 2018, and the Wildly Successful Society with Jo Bendle – you all rock!!!

What’s next for Sasuga!?

Of course, I’ll continue to deliver my best in corporate workshops and coaching, in the Tokyo University Executive Management Program and Waseda Business School.

At the same time (and WITHOUT OVERWORKING), I want to grow my online influence, so that I can share my experience and expertise more broadly – support people working in global business, especially Japanese women, to overcome もったいない (mottainai) and go from がまん (gaman) to ワクワク (wakuwaku).

I want to put more energy into my two core free Facebook groups: the Sasuga Community – for those who want to be part of a supportive group and build their communication skills and confidence for global business (thrilled about the recent upsurge in new members) – the Sasuga You! Self-Discovery Sisters – for those who’ve attended the retreats

I want to encourage members of these groups to continue to learn, grow, and support each other. No more もったいない (mottainai).

Much of what I share online is free and you can use the techniques immediately to make a difference in your business results and personal happiness (and we’re working on a website renewal to make it easier to find what you need – やった!).

If you’re eager to build your communication clarity and confidence, you can already benefit from my Speak Like An Expert online course, and I’m planning to create more courses that you can study in your own time.

If you want to take it to the NEXT level in communication skills or personal development, we can work together – either online or in-person, individually or in a group.

I’ll be creating more and more opportunities for you. The best way to know what’s happening is to read my free weekly newsletter, Sasuga! Tips For You.

I’ve LOVED running my business for the last 5 years, I’m deeply grateful to everyone who’s supported me, and I’m HUGELY excited about continuing to learn and grow and support YOU in the future. We have soooooooo much potential!

Are you with me?

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Sasuga! Tips For You here.