I was surprised and delighted to receive the flowers in the photo from participants who completed the first five-session Sasuga! Presentation Skills Course. What a beautiful reminder of how everyone’s confidence and skills bloomed over several weeks.

One participant said, “The course provided a great opportunity to see myself as others see me when presenting and I feel much more confident about giving presentations, public speaking, and meeting new people having taken the course, and see each encounter as a mini presentation!”

A senior colleague of another participant emailed to say, “I’ve seen X-san has been developing in his communication! So glad he had such a good training opportunity.”

In the course, participants learn the fundamentals of delivering persuasive and memorable presentations, including understanding the audience, structuring the message, getting off to a great start, making the most of visual and vocal techniques, and using supporting materials wisely.

Participant numbers are limited to six. Everyone practices their presentations every session in a friendly and encouraging environment with focused feedback. Presentations are videoed and viewed, so that participants can see what they’re doing well and what they could do differently.

Who should take the course? One participant replied, “Anyone and everyone.” It’s held in English and is suitable for anyone with business-level English or better, including native English speakers. Participants in the first course were of three nationalities, male and female, from small to massive companies, and ranging from manager to CEO.

The next course will be held in the 3F training room at Ginza Hub 09:00 to 12:00 on the following dates: Tue, Mar 31, Tue, Apr 7, Tue, Apr 14, Thu, Apr 23, and Thu, Apr 30. We only have six places in this course, so if you’re interested please contact Sasuga! Communications soon to let your presentation skills bloom!