I spent hours searching for good stock photos to represent “giving presentations” on my website before the launch. So many to choose from, but I rejected all but a handful because most showed what not to do rather than what we should do. Three reasons stood out for rejecting photos:

  • Lack of eye contact – The presenter wasn’t facing the audience, but was looking at a slide or flip chart or something else. Audiences appreciate eye contact. It helps them to feel that the presenter is interested in them. That in turn makes the audience more interested in the presenter and the message.
  • Unnatural gestures – There’s a lot of talk about the value of using gestures in presentations these days, especially since the Tokyo Olympic bid. Yes, gestures can help to get your message across, but to do that they need to be congruent with your message and they should be genuine to build trust with your audience. Unfortunately, so many of the gestures in stock photos of presentations are staged and unnatural.
  • Barriers with the audience – Many presenters were holding something, such as a file or clipboard in front of them, or were standing behind a lectern or table. These types of physical barriers hinder engagement with the audience.

Don’t waste your time and other people’s by making these three mistakes the next time you speak in front of a group. Don’t risk being rejected by your audience. Set yourself up for success by making eye contact with individuals, removing physical barriers, and using natural gestures that are congruent with your message. Good luck! Find info on presentation skills training and one-on-one coaching here.