To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Sasuga! Communications on May 1, I’m launching a newsletter to share communication tips: Sasuga! Tips For You. You might find Sasuga! Tips For You useful if you

– would like to improve your communication skills, especially around giving presentations, running meetings, and leading and working with global teams

– are interested to know more about what Sasuga! Communications does

– have taken some Sasuga! Communications training or coaching and would like extra tips and inspiration to keep the momentum going

Sasuga! Tips For You will include practical tips that anyone can use. I’ll also provide links to articles, books, podcasts, and videos that I find informative and inspiring – and I hope you will too. It’s free, by the way! I’d love it if you’d subscribe by entering your name and email address below.

The first Sasuga! Tips For You will go out on May 8. If you’re not delighted with the content, please let me know what changes would be helpful, or you can unsubscribe at any time. Huge thanks to my clients and everyone else who’s helped to build Sasuga! Communications.