
I constantly encourage people in workshops, webinars, and coaching sessions to push out of their comfort zones to learn something new.

I just did that.

After running my business as a sole proprietorship for almost three years, I established the company Sasuga Communications K. K. (株式会社さすがコミュニケーションズ) on January 15, 2016.

Why did I incorporate? What does this mean for you? What’s my new mission? Read on to find out.

Why did I incorporate?

3 Reasons Why I Incorporated

1. Personal growth opportunities

2. More opportunities to serve more people

3. Recommended from a taxation perspective

Let me say more on the first point. I touch on the second later in this post. If you’re interested in the third, please consult a tax accountant.

With each push, our comfort zones expand. This is how we develop and grow to be who we most want to be and make the impact that we want to make in the world.

In 2013, I took the scary step out of the corporate world to go it alone. I continued to expand my comfort zone until operating as a sole proprietorship started to become comfortable.

Establishing a Japanese kabushiki kaisha (joint-stock company) is the next step out of my comfort zone:

– It will involve putting more systems in place and more paperwork – not my natural areas of strength.

– It will involve taking responsibility as the company president, including generating enough revenue to pay others who help keep the business buzzing through administrative, design, and accounting support.

– And it will no doubt bring new – and maybe scary – opportunities that weren’t available to me as a sole proprietor.

What does this mean for you?

You can join workshops, webinars, and one-on-one coaching. I’ll continue to offer these to help people create communication habits for success and happiness in the global workplace. Popular topics include

– delivering powerful presentations

– participating in global conference calls

– facilitating meaningful meetings

– leadership and teamwork

If you’re not ready to invest in training, you can enjoy free communication tips through the monthly Sasuga! Tips For You newsletter, blog posts, and updates on Facebook (“Like” to receive in your Newsfeed) and Twitter. And I have more freebies and other ideas in the pipeline for you, including for those who can’t join sessions in person. Stay tuned!

What’s my new mission?

My new mission, starting January 15, 2016, is

to help 2020 people create communication habits for success and happiness in the global workplace by 2020.

What do I mean by “communication habits”?

This could be any positive, communication-related behavior that you’ve learned from me and started to do naturally, such as

chatting with the audience to build rapport

using your own words instead of memorizing a speech

using the power of the pause to increase confidence in presentations

paraphrasing to avoid misunderstandings

stepping out from behind the lectern to connect with the audience

repeatedly clarifying your goal to keep meetings on track

asking questions to make meetings more productive

How will I know when I’ve helped someone create a good communication habit? I’ll ask people to let me know if and how they’ve benefitted from my services or products. If they’ve created a good habit that’s led to success or happiness in the global workplace, what is that habit?

I know this will be a challenging mission because it’s not easy to develop good habits and it’s another hurdle for people to email and tell me about it.

But if those who invest in my services and products do create communication habits for success and happiness in the global workplace and are motivated enough to tell me about it, then I know that I’m really making a difference in the world. That motivates me massively!

I’m not counting the people I’ve helped in my career to date. I’m starting from zero on January 15, 2016.

Yes, scary. And exciting.

I wonder who will be the first person to tell me about a positive communication habit that they’ve created? Could it be you? I’d love to hear from you!

Thanks, TopTia, for the fab photo.