
If you’re a normal human being, you feel nervous when giving a presentation. People who look confident speaking in public have had training and/or lots of practice – or are not normal 🙂

One of the most common questions people ask me about presentation skills is “What should I do with my hands?”

This question came up in a recent workshop, so I grabbed the opportunity to video my response. This way you can see what I do with my hands and see me demonstrate three common hand positions that I advise you to avoid.

Click on the image below to watch the 4-minute video.

Or, if you prefer to read, here’s a blog post I wrote on the same topic.

Thank you to the GEE group for inviting me to speak. The group is open to anyone interested in creating their own business and using English. Read about their upcoming events here.

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Want to learn and apply the essentials of presenting with clarity and confidence? It takes just 30 minutes a day for 15 days to learn how to speak like an expert. Find out how here.