How often do you tell yourself that you’ll take a break or do something nice for yourself AFTER the current busy thing that you’re dealing with?

You just need to get through this and then you can make a change.

And how often do you then go straight on to the next busy thing without making any real changes?

You just keep up with the struggle. And you keep giving yourself reasons why you can’t do anything different right now.

The struggle has become your “comfort zone” because getting out of that is actually uncomfortable.

In Episode 121 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • The story of overworking Miwa, who wrote to me, “Mentally and physically I don’t have room to breathe. 余裕がない。”
  • How it took me more than one incidence of burnout and all sorts other problems with my health, relationships, and professional performance before I finally made real changes and started to let go of my attachment to struggle
  • 4 powerful questions to reflect on and reveal what you’re really doing to yourself



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Links for you

If you’re a working woman and you’re finally looking for change, take that first step to release your struggle with the How To Be Happy workshop.