Isn’t it fascinating that Japan has a strong culture of reflection in the form of “hansei-kai,” but the focus is on what wasn’t good enough?

As well as acknowledging opportunities to do things differently, we can learn so much by reflecting on what went well. 

Then we can intentionally do more of that!

And that feels good too!

Do you tend to rush from completing one thing onto the next without pausing to consider what worked well, what didn’t, and without celebrating yourself?

That’s common among high achievers.

But here’s the thing: many high achievers are more stressed than they realize and could actually achieve greater things with more ease and joy!

In Episode 155 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • 20 questions to reflect on your year (or you can use them each quarter or any time frame you like)
  • How to use these questions to help you make the most of your experiences and set yourself up for greater joy and success
  • What I realized as I did this exercise for myself (and I hope you’ll find eye-opening too)



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