I’m guessing you value your time and don’t want to waste it, right?

When you consider time wasters at work, you may think of things like

  • Unproductive meetings
  • Lack of clarity
  • Tech issues
  • Interruptions

But have you ever thought how much time you waste on certain colleagues?

In my corporate days, I wanted to keep EVERYBODY happy.

I was such a people pleaser.

But it was time-consuming, stressful, and exhausting.

It was a long time before I even realized the extent of this because I was so focused on others instead of on how I felt.

Stopping people pleasing and putting yourself first can be a huge challenge when you’re brought up with the idea that being selfish is bad.

But when you make your wellbeing a priority, you feel better, you do better work, and you’re a better influence on others. 

In Episode 170 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • How I learned to choose the amount of time and energy I spent on particular people
  • How to deal with difficult colleagues, like those who easily get angry, constantly complain, or always underperform
  • The big mistake that many make when giving feedback


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lesseffortbook.com – get exclusive insider access when you join the Less Effort More Impact Cheer Team for my new upcoming book!

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