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Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!

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What Would You Say To Your Future Self?

What Would You Say To Your Future Self?

Last week, I had the privilege of leading a 1-day workshop for female leaders at a stunning offsite in Hokkaido—Niki Hills Winery (highly recommend a visit!).The day before, I was treated to a winery tour and tasting. But the most memorable part? Seeing...

The Truth Behind My TEDx Talk (And 3 Presentation Tips For You)

The Truth Behind My TEDx Talk (And 3 Presentation Tips For You)

Have you ever given a presentation that didn’t go as planned? Maybe you had problems with the slides, your mind went blank, or something else threw you off? If so, you’re not alone. Even experienced speakers face challenges—and I certainly did during my...

5 Signs You Don’t Need Coaching

5 Signs You Don’t Need Coaching

For the first time in 13 years, I’ve decided not to work with a coach. It feels a little strange after so many years of working with amazing coaches around the world. I remember my first coaching experience in my corporate days - a delicious 30 minutes...

3 Practical Ways to Reset Your Energy and Focus Before the New Year

3 Practical Ways to Reset Your Energy and Focus Before the New Year

December in Japan is famously called Shiwasu (師走)—the month when even the monks are said to be running! If you’re feeling the rush right now, let me help you hit pause. I’ve compiled 3 free Sasuga! resources to give you a moment of clarity, energy, and...

Ice Baths Or Presentations: How To Calm Your Nerves

Ice Baths Or Presentations: How To Calm Your Nerves

Have you ever had an ice bath?I took the plunge on a recent family holiday to Thailand.This is something I thought I’d never do. I thought people who did it were mad. Even though I’d heard the benefits of improved circulation and sleep, reduced inflammation and...

Letting Go: Trusting Your Team When Illness Strikes

Letting Go: Trusting Your Team When Illness Strikes

What do you do when you get sick as a business professional? Even if you work for a company that provides paid leave, you may find it difficult to let go and trust that everything will be okay without you - especially if you’re in a manager or expert position! Last...

Speak Easy: How to Tame Presentation Butterflies

Speak Easy: How to Tame Presentation Butterflies

“I get so nervous giving presentations.”  Many clients tell me this when we start working together. And my response is usually, “Good. That means you’re a normal human being.” Why it's normal to be nervous As human beings, from primitive times, we needed to be part of...

4 Steps To Reduce Email Stress

4 Steps To Reduce Email Stress

Are you riding the email rollercoaster? If you’re like many business professionals, constantly checking and responding to emails, do you realize your brain is on a hormonal rollercoaster, with ups and downs of dopamine and cortisol? Dopamine, often called the "reward"...

Empowering Women Leaders: 4 Essential Skills And 6 Mindset Questions

Empowering Women Leaders: 4 Essential Skills And 6 Mindset Questions

This week, I’m on my Grand European Tour – Frankfurt, London, Paris, and… Huddersfield (where my parents live). If you’re on social media, you might enjoy some highlights on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Facebook. I went to the gym the other day and saw 8 women there!!!...

Syncing Success: How Hormone Cycles Shape Workplace Performance

Syncing Success: How Hormone Cycles Shape Workplace Performance

Wow! What a reaction to Syncing Success: How Hormone Cycles Shape Workplace Performance, the topic of a workshop I gave for the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan. The mixed gender, multinational attendees were wonderfully open to new ideas, eager to ask...