Well, we’re finally here. Episode 100!

If you happened to listen to Episode 2 from waaaaaaay back in January 2019, you may recall that I spoke about the dangers of perfectionism. 

I can assure you that we would NOT have got this far if I’d attempted to be perfect. 

As you listen to the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll probably notice that I sometimes trip over my words. I don’t go back to rerecord or edit out the flubs. That’s because I want to work efficiently and because I want YOU to know that It’s. Okay. To be. Imperfect. 

Perfectionism slows you down. Perfectionism stops you from learning. Perfectionism causes stress.

So I invite you to look at your life right now and where you can let go of any lingering perfectionism…

Alright, you can stop that now 🙂

Because I have something wonderful for you. In fact, not just one wonderful episode, but two. 

You see, when we asked our special guests from the last two years to share soundbites for this celebratory episode, we received sooooooo many minutes of audio clips that we decided it might be a bit overwhelming for one episode!

So in this episode – Episode 100 – we’re focusing on tips they shared around the first two phases of the Sasuga! Success Cycle (1. Care For You and 2. Create Your Plan) and next week in Episode 101 we’ll turn our attention to the second two  (3. Communicate Your Ideas and 4. Complete Your Tasks). 

I had so much fun listening to these soundbites as we were putting these episodes together – and I hope you enjoy them and find them useful too! You might want to grab a notebook!

Huge thanks to all our special guests (past episodes listed below).

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Past Special Guest Episodes

Lisa Carpenter
Episode 71: Stop Pushing Your Way To Success

Miho Shinohara
Episode 90: When You Hesitate, Just Jump In And Enjoy It

Joan Marie
Episode 67: Be Present In The Moment

Risa Hatayama
Episode 7: Communicate From Your Core

Miyako Hazama
Episode 87: Negotiate, Lead, And Breathe Better

Manners Hiroko
Episode 69: Avoid Typical Business Mistakes

Kumiko Sugihara
Episode 62: What Matters Most Is What You Think Of Yourself

Minami Yusui
Episode 89: You Have More Power To Choose Than You Think

Claudia  De Pasquale
Episode 44: Let Go Of Your Grammar Addiction,
Episode 45: What Do You Want?

Aya Yamanouchi
Episode 85: For Resilience, Enjoy Your Perfect Imperfection