
この記事では、代表岩田ヘレンから読者の皆様への感謝の気持ちを表しています。 記事は英語です。 どうぞご覧ください!

One of the funniest moments I remember from my ten years with McKinsey was when I sent an internal chat message to a young consultant who’d done something that I appreciated. I can’t remember now what he’d done, but I’ll never forget what happened later that day.

The consultant came and told me that he’d been giving a presentation when, suddenly, the chat box popped open in the middle of his slides – in front of the entire audience – with the message from me: “You’re a star!”

Well, that’s one way to have an impact in your presentation!

Fortunately, the audience was amused and even more interested in listening to him. He was a star, after all.

Why am I telling you this story today? Three reasons:

1. It’s a reminder that it’s usually best to disable notifications during your presentations.

2. It’s as a reminder that a “Wow!” moment – something to create an emotional connection with your audience – can have a great impact in your presentations.

3. I wanted to say, “Thank you. You’re a star!”

Why am I saying you’re a star? Because you’re reading this. You’re the reason that I run my business — whether you’re a regular or first-time reader, whether you’re a corporate client or an individual who’s taken one of my online courses. It’s because you’re there for me to share my expertise and experiences with that I can run my business.

It’s almost four years since I stepped off the corporate ladder and set up as a sole proprietor the following day. And this week marks one year since I established Sasuga Communications K. K. as a company.

Thanks to you. おかげさまで。

Here are some highlights from the past year:

•   Published 英語の仕事術 (Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu)
•   Began a monthly column in Japanese in Nikkei Style
•   Started posting weekly blogs of communication tips and interviews – some with video 
•   Started sending the Sasuga! Tips For You newsletter weekly instead of monthly
•   Started a YouTube channel
•   Ran several Facebook Live mini trainings
•   Launched the Sasuga! Community Facebook group
•   Created two online courses for presentation skills
•   Gave a TEDx Talk

Now, I’m working with my team on our 2017 strategy to bring you even greater value, efficiency, and joy in in-person coaching and workshops as well as online courses and resources.

All this with the aim of helping you to create communication habits for success and happiness in global business.

Keep shining in 2017, dear star!

*       *       *       *       *

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Photo credit: iStock.com/den-belitsky