The other day, I was about to put on my shoes to leave just after my weekly massage, and my massage therapist – a young Japanese chap – asked me for advice about his relationship with his wife.
He knew that I’ve been married for a long time (over 25 years) and seemed to assume I was happy (which is true).
He’s been married for two years and works long hours.
“Do you go on dates?” he asked.
“Oh, yes, regularly. Especially now that it’s just the two of us at home,” I replied.
Coincidentally, I’d just started reading the fabulous book The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman.
I’d heard about this popular book years ago, but never really felt the “need” to read it.
Now I realize how helpful The 5 Love Languages can be to so many people – not only those who want to improve their relationship with their partner, like my massage therapist – but also to improve relationships in the workplace!
You may already recognize that strained relationships with coworkers can be a huge cause of stress (and impact business results too!).
You see, not everyone expresses love or appreciation in the same way. And people like to receive love and appreciation in different ways.
Using the other person’s “language” for love, appreciation, or praise, is a powerful way to improve your communication and your relationships both at home and in the workplace.
In Episode 131 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear
- What are the 5 love languages according to Dr. Gary Chapman
- The dramatic difference in the attitude and culture around giving praise and appreciation in Japanese companies versus many Western organizations
- How you can discover your own love language and start to understand what’s most important to improve relationships with those around you (Take Dr. Chapman’s quiz here)
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Links for you
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman
The 5 Love Languages Website
Homegoroshi – Japanese don’t always like positive feedback
Why Don’t Japanese Bosses Praise Their Employees