– a conversation with Patty Dominguez

It’s normal to have ups and downs in your career.

When you’re doing something new – especially something you’ve personally decided to do – you’re probably full of inspiration, excited to get started, and convinced how great this is going to be.

Then, things don’t go quite as planned. It’s not as easy as you thought. You’re not making the impact you expected. 

You may feel despair. You might be saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Perhaps you even have that “wall-kicking moment.” 

Can you relate?

This is the point where many people retreat back into their comfort zone and give up.

But successful people do something different. 

They look at what they can learn and fix. They work through the situation.

You can do that too. It’s your choice.

In my conversation with Patty Dominguez, Founder of Positioning To Profit, in Episode 144 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • How, in her corporate days, Patty was so in control of control that she was out of control
  • How saying “No” and asking for help more can actually win you awards
  • Patty’s high-leverage time – her morning routine – to set herself up for success each day 



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Watch the full interview on YouTube


Connect with Patty

Positioning To Profit

Links for you

Positioning To Profit Episode 77: How to Be Nimble With Your Business with Helen Iwata

Patty’s Prolific Cafe
How To Do Less But Better: Essentialism


Books mentioned in this episode

Essentialism by Greg McKeown
The Dip by Seth Godin
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Style Power by Alma Barrero
Chakra Healing by Margarita Alcantara



Cushy – 楽な
The world is your oyster – 求めるものは何だって手に入る、世界は自分の思いのまま
Wall kicking moment – 苛立って壁を蹴る状況
Get into your head that… – …だと考えすぎてしまう
Self-pity – 自分で自分を可哀想だと思うこと
Pity party – 「自分は可哀そうだ、不運だ」とself-pityにはまること
MO – ラテン語のmodus operandi、仕事などのやり方
SOP – Standard Operating Proceduresの略、標準作業手順書
Plate spinning – 直訳は「たくさんのお皿を回す」だが、一度に多くの仕事や役割を抱えている時に使われる
Hot mess:めちゃくちゃな状況
Ginormous – gigantic + enormous = ginormous「途方もなく大きい」「どでかい」という意味の口語