You may think that your “comfort zone” is comfortable. 

But is it really?

In some cases, your “comfort zone” might be more familiar than comfortable.  

For example…

…you’re in a job that you don’t enjoy, but you don’t think you can find something new

…you disagree with your colleague’s opinion, but you keep quiet about it

…you work long hours and sacrifice time with your family or for yourself 

So why is it called your “comfort zone”?

Well, it’s because doing something new – like changing jobs, or speaking up for yourself, or working less (!) – often feels uncomfortable for human beings.

This is because the oldest part of your brain – your Reptilian Brain – is focused on your survival.

And anything that you do that’s new and unfamiliar is uncertain.

For your Reptilian Brain, it could be dangerous.

You may have heard people say that you have to step out of your comfort zone to learn new things and have new experiences.

But that’s not the only benefit.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can also free you from a familiar ongoing situation that was actually uncomfortable.

In Episode 168 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • What you can do if you realize that your “comfort zone” is actually uncomfortable
  • Whether “stepping out of your comfort zone” means doing something that you don’t want to do or aren’t interested in
  • Why I’m not choosing scuba diving to step out of my comfort zone (but doing something else instead)


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Links for you

Episode 157 –  Laugh Before Breakfast, Cry Before Supper


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