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Sasuga! Resources For A Fabulous 2019

Sasuga! Resources For A Fabulous 2019

How has your 2018 been? For me, it’s been an amazing year of contribution, growth, and joy. I’ve invested heavily in my own development through seminars, courses, and coaching. What I learned clearly had a positive impact on my business, clients, and community, and...

Danshari Your PowerPoint

Danshari Your PowerPoint

Have you heard of the concept of danshari (断捨離)? This is a Japanese word for decluttering, which literally means “refuse, throw away, separate.” I’ve recently been having fun decluttering my home while listening to a great audiobook: Decluttering At The Speed Of Life...

More than 7 Useful Phrases For English Presentations

More than 7 Useful Phrases For English Presentations

The less you need to think about what you’re saying in your presentation, the more you can focus on the audience. This makes a great presentation. So today I’m sharing 7 presentation situations and related English phrases that you can use regularly.   1....

What Is The Best Way To Present Lots Of Data?

What Is The Best Way To Present Lots Of Data?

Do you ever wonder about the best way to present research findings or other material that includes lots of business data? Clients often ask me about this. How can you communicate large amounts of information clearly, concisely, and in an engaging way? Here are three...

How Many Slides Do You Need For A 30-minute Presentation?

How Many Slides Do You Need For A 30-minute Presentation?

Have you ever wondered what is the perfect number of slides for a 30-minute presentation? Maybe your company has guidelines around how many PowerPoint pages to prepare based on the time you have? Perhaps you’ve heard of time and number stipulations in Pechakucha or...

3 Tips For Conference Presentations

3 Tips For Conference Presentations

And A Lesson From A Tea Strainer Last week, I was outside Japan, coaching 29 speakers for an Asia regional conference. Let me share with you my top three conference presentation tips (and a surprising lesson) to help you when you next have an opportunity to speak at a...

Think You’re Not Good At Presentations?

Think You’re Not Good At Presentations?

That’s A Recipe For Disaster! When you see a baby learning to walk, do you say, “That baby’s not good at walking”? Probably not, right? You recognize that the baby is learning by practicing, falling down and getting up again, and often holding a grownup’s hand for...

6 Steps To Successfully Present Other People’s Content

6 Steps To Successfully Present Other People’s Content

– Especially In Another Language! When I’m coaching people in presentation skills, I always urge them to talk about a topic they know well and are passionate about. People respond, “But sometimes I have to present information at work that I haven’t created myself and...

What Does This Participant Say About The Retreat?

What Does This Participant Say About The Retreat?

Minori Hanashima, who joined the second Sasuga You! Self-Discovery Weekend, gives us her impressions in this 5-minute video in Japanese. What does “retreat” mean to you? Retreats are quite normal in the West, but the concept is still new to Japan. Minori initially...

What Should I Do With My Hands When Presenting?

What Should I Do With My Hands When Presenting?

If you’re a normal human being, you feel nervous when giving a presentation. People who look confident speaking in public have had training and/or lots of practice - or are not normal 🙂 One of the most common questions people ask me about presentation skills is “What...

When The Unexpected Happens In Your Presentation

When The Unexpected Happens In Your Presentation

I’m guessing you feel nervous about giving presentations? Unless you’ve had LOTS of practice - either through experience or training - you probably feel uncomfortable speaking in front of people. That’s normal for us as human beings because we want to be accepted by...

Top Tip From My Waseda Teaching Award Acceptance Speech

Top Tip From My Waseda Teaching Award Acceptance Speech

Wow! I was amazed to receive the Waseda University Teaching Award for my business school course in Strategic Thinking and Effective Communication. I was invited to attend the commencement ceremony and had tears in my eyes as I saw not only students I knew from my...