Do you ever tell yourself that your work isn’t good enough?
Do you often compare yourself with others in your business?
Are you reluctant to ask for help from colleagues or others with more experience?
Do you tend to overwork?
Do you often replay events over and over in your head, knowing that you should have done better?

If you answered “yes” to several of these, then chances are that you’re suffering from imposter syndrome.

Maybe you’ve heard of this?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to recognize their accomplishments or success. 

And if you just let it continue, you’re highly likely to miss out on all sorts of opportunities and happiness in your life. もったいない。

In Episode 91 of the Sasuga! Podcast, you’ll hear

  • The possible causes of your imposter syndrome
  • 3 real examples of women with imposter syndrome that you can relate to and learn from
  • 4 practical ways to overcome imposter syndrome that I used – and you can too! 


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