
Sasuga! Podcast & Blog

Sasuga! Podcastをお探しですか? 4年以上にわたり219のエピソードを配信してきましたが、現在一時休止しています。
過去エピソードはこちらからどうぞ: Apple Podcasts | Spotify

プライベートを犠牲にすることなく仕事で成功するためのヒントを配信しています。Less effort, more impact!

6 Personal Development Lessons That Have Stayed With Me For Life

6 Personal Development Lessons That Have Stayed With Me For Life

When did you first become interested in personal development? I was 19 years old, and my old German teacher recommended a seminar that was held at The Queens Hotel in Leeds, UK. I passed by there last week. Ms Novakovic was quite a character. When she returned one of...

How Fast Should You Reply To Work Chat?

How Fast Should You Reply To Work Chat?

Oh this is hilarious! I just sat down to write about work distractions and a Facebook Messenger notification popped up.  And I checked it - lol! How easily are you distracted by work chat and other instant messaging?  Are you sometimes frustrated by interruptions, but...

3 Checkin Questions To Reduce Meeting Distractions

3 Checkin Questions To Reduce Meeting Distractions

Have you ever been in a meeting where your colleague didn’t seem to be paying attention or contributing fully? You might feel frustrated. But you probably don’t know what’s going on in that person’s life that could be distracting them. One day, I joined a 1:1 coaching...

3 Tips To Deal With “Mum Guilt”

3 Tips To Deal With “Mum Guilt”

“My son has been sick this week, and he ended up watching YouTube for kids all day since he wants to be in my room where I work. I felt bad.” This is a classic example of mum guilt. In many cases, “Mum guilt” (or “Mom guilt” or “Mommy guilt”) is when you want to be a...

Is It Unprofessional To Smile?

Is It Unprofessional To Smile?

I was amused when I read an article about how Japanese people were taking classes to learn how to smile after spending so long wearing masks during the pandemic. It makes sense though.  Our facial expression has a huge impact on our communication to others as well as...

Are You Being Hard On Yourself?

Are You Being Hard On Yourself?

(Just for fun - the photo is with my friend, Sam, about 5 years ago on the stepping stones at a lovely village in Yorkshire where we used to go on family holidays as children.) The other day, Junko (not her real name) told me on a call that she’d recently been quite...

The Difficulty Of Receiving

The Difficulty Of Receiving

Oh, the difficulty of receiving! This photo is from 2014. I was speaking at a seminar organized by FEW (For Empowering Women) Japan and this was the panel discussion toward the end of the event. After this, there was a raffle. My name came up as a winner! In my mind,...

Simple Skills For Less Effort And More Impact

Simple Skills For Less Effort And More Impact

As we come out of Golden Week in Japan, I have a sort of “New Year” feeling.  In March, many businesses went through the crazy busyness of the fiscal year end. In April, it was all about new hires and moving to new departments. And then the holidays. So now seems like...

Stuck In Bangkok

Stuck In Bangkok

Are you taking time off for Golden Week? If so, I hope you’re enjoying it ❤️ As you may know, I was on hols with family in Thailand last week. We had a wonderful time. But when we arrived at Bangkok airport all refreshed and ready for our flight back to Japan, we had...

Do You Work During Holidays?

Do You Work During Holidays?

As Golden Week approaches, will you be traveling? When you’re on holiday, do you switch off completely or are you still doing some work? In the past, I was constantly overworking. I always had my BlackBerry and laptop with me even when I was in Thailand or the UK with...



さて、先週「Sasuga!ポッドキャスト」を一時休止するとお伝えしましたが、代わりに何をご提供していくのかについてですが・・・ 最少の力で最大の結果を仕事で得るために役立つ、ちょっとした実用的なヒントを毎週お届けしたいと思います。 ということで、日本では多くの方にとって今が新しいビジネス年度の始まりとなることから、振り返りをするのに最適なタイミングです。 以前、Sasuga!ポッドキャストのエピソード155で、年末に振り返る20の質問をシェアしましたが、このエクササイズは実際いつでも行うことができます。...



空手を始める前の10代の頃、私は柔道を習っていました。 ある時、男性の対戦相手がマットの上で私に腕緘(うでがらみ)を仕掛けてきました。 普通はここで、降参の合図として指で2回床をたたきます。 でも私はそうしませんでした。屈服したり諦めたりしたくなかったのです。 その結果、私は腕を骨折。でも、当時はそのことがとても誇らしかったのです。 降参や諦めを拒むこのパターンは、私の人生とキャリアの中で何度も繰り返されました。 このような決意をポジティブに捉える人はたくさんいます。 そして実際にそれが助けになる時もあります。 ...