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Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!

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Are You Scared Of Not Knowing The Answer?

Are You Scared Of Not Knowing The Answer?

Years ago, I was having lunch with a Japanese lady who was a regular commentator on a live weekend television show. After asking about my work as a coach, she said, “Actually, Helen, every time I’m on the show live, I’m terrified that I might not be able to answer a...

How I Started To Speak Confidently

How I Started To Speak Confidently

People often see me now as a successful businesswoman - a confident and skilled communicator. But, it wasn’t always that way... When I first joined the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, I felt surrounded by INCREDIBLY intelligent people. I hesitated...

Put Yourself On Top Of The Champagne Tower

Put Yourself On Top Of The Champagne Tower

– a conversation with Noriko Makino Villanti During her two decades in the corporate world, Noriko always worked hard, but it was only years later that she realized she didn’t have a goal for herself.  She was always running, but didn’t really know where she was...

Where Are All The Women?

Where Are All The Women?

I feel like I need to rant a little bit. Maybe it’s because I’ve started going to the gym and lifting weights regularly (yay!) - and maybe I’m being affected by all the testosterone in the air! I just keep thinking - where are all the women? Not just at the gym. In...

How To Get Others To Speak In Meetings

How To Get Others To Speak In Meetings

As you advance in your career and start to lead more meetings, you may face the common difficulty here in Japan of getting people to speak up - especially now that many meetings are online. I remember when I published my book Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu back in 2016 and was...

How To Get Heard In Meetings

How To Get Heard In Meetings

Have you ever been in a meeting and attempted to express your idea or opinion, but somehow people didn’t seem to hear it?  And then someone else said what you wanted to say, and everyone listened and thought it was an excellent idea?  How do you feel about that? I’ve...

3 Quick Ways To Improve Your Communication Today

3 Quick Ways To Improve Your Communication Today

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw said this in the early 1900s,  And miscommunication seems even more likely today in global business.  Why is that?  I see three big reasons: Diverse backgrounds...

3 Tips To Speak Like An Expert Online

3 Tips To Speak Like An Expert Online

If you’re like many Japanese business professionals who feel uncomfortable or uncertain speaking in online meetings and presentations in English, you may think that your English capability is the problem. Actually, that’s probably not the main problem. In fact, you...

Danshari Your PowerPoint

Danshari Your PowerPoint

I’ll never forget when I was sitting next to a British gentleman – interpreting for him – in a meeting full of Japanese businessmen... When the Japanese presenter showed one particular slide, the British gentleman turned to me and said, “Jesus Christ! I don’t know...

5 Tips To Answer Spontaneously And Confidently In Meetings

5 Tips To Answer Spontaneously And Confidently In Meetings

How do you feel when you’re in a meeting - maybe online - and you’re suddenly asked a question that you weren’t prepared for? This is a huge concern that I often hear from my clients. They don’t want to be embarrassed by not having a clear answer. Can you relate?...

7 Strategies To Ease Zoom Fatigue

7 Strategies To Ease Zoom Fatigue

If you’re like many business professionals, even though you may no longer be commuting, you’re exhausted at the end of the day. This may be because you’re working longer hours, forgetting to take breaks, or feeling increasing underlying stress from the ongoing...

Are You A Leader Or A Victim?

Are You A Leader Or A Victim?

- A conversation with Haruko Kawashima When you face a difficult situation, do you keep crying, yelling, and complaining? Or do you start to look for something better - a solution, perhaps? This second approach is a sign that you’re a leader. Leadership isn’t about...