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Below, you’ll find my latest blog posts to help you do brilliant work without sacrificing your personal life – less effort, more impact!

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Wa – The Art Of Balance For Busy Professionals

Wa – The Art Of Balance For Busy Professionals

- a conversation with Kaki Okumura     Isn’t it interesting that while Japan often admires and looks to the West for inspiration, the West similarly views Japan? Japanese wellness writer and illustrator Kaki Okumura grew up in the USA and struggled to find a...

3 Steps To Turn Comparisonitis Into Inspiration

3 Steps To Turn Comparisonitis Into Inspiration

Do you ever compare yourself to others?  You see colleagues at work who just seem so confident, articulate, and on top of everything?  You see people on Instagram with the most amazing bodies, beautiful relationships, and fantastic lives? According to a 2022 study,...

How To Communicate To Build Trust In Global Business

How To Communicate To Build Trust In Global Business

 In 2022, Japan ranked 80th for English proficiency out of 112 non-English speaking countries and regions, falling two places compared with the previous year, according to a Swiss study. It’s easy to find media reports that Japan needs to improve its English skills...

5 Tips To Ease Presentation Nerves

5 Tips To Ease Presentation Nerves

“I get so nervous giving presentations.”  Many clients tell me this when we start working together. And my response is usually, “Good. That means you’re a normal human being.” As human beings, from primitive times, we needed to be part of a group to survive. If we...

Giving Yourself Grace, Night-Time Routines, And Ta-da Lists

Giving Yourself Grace, Night-Time Routines, And Ta-da Lists

- a conversation with Tracey Northcott   Do you ever give yourself a hard time? For example, you compare yourself with others. You tell yourself you didn’t do something well enough.  You’re convinced you should be getting more done.   You struggle to let go of...

How To Feel Confident In Virtual Meetings

How To Feel Confident In Virtual Meetings

Do you feel anxious about virtual meetings in your business? That’s common for various reasons, such as technical problems, different time zones, and not feeling confident about the impression you’re making on your global colleagues or clients — especially if you’re...

Be A Better Leader With Bunburyodo

Be A Better Leader With Bunburyodo

- a conversation with Randy Channell Soei     Have you ever experienced a Japanese tea ceremony? You may see “sado” or “chado” as a form of mindfulness - a lovely moment to escape from the speed and pressures of a demanding job and a busy life. But have you...

Can You Be A Corporate Head While Being A Minimalist Nomad?

Can You Be A Corporate Head While Being A Minimalist Nomad?

- a conversation with Judy Liu Can you imagine giving away 90 percent of your possessions, living out of a suitcase, and waking up in a different place every 10 days - all while excelling in a corporate career as the head of learning and development for a global...

4 Steps To Stop Fire Fighting At Work

4 Steps To Stop Fire Fighting At Work

How often are you rushing to the next meeting, task, or project without really completing or making the most of what you were just doing? When I think back to my corporate days here in Japan, I know I spent much of my time fighting fires - dealing with what was most...

Why Giving Presentations Is Like Snowboarding

Why Giving Presentations Is Like Snowboarding

Snowboarding with family for my birthday, it struck me how giving presentations and snowboarding are alike. You may wonder in what way? Well, I remember just after my first snowboarding lesson at the age of 47, I happily started practicing on the easy slopes.  Then, I...

New Year – Same Old You?

New Year – Same Old You?

 It’s that seductive time of “New Year, new you.” The fresh start feeling is so appealing because many of us want to improve ourselves and our lives - be healthier, more confident, more organized, more skilled in our work, a more positive influence on others.  Is...

What Happened With My Goal To Do A Chinup

What Happened With My Goal To Do A Chinup

At the beginning of the year, I set several business goals and personal goals. One of my personal goals was to do a chinup by the end of the year. I started training in the gym, hanging from a bar, using resistance bands to give me a lift, and practicing seated...