– a conversation with Jayne Nakata If you’re a people pleaser, perfectionist, or overdoer - like many of us are (or were) - you probably put selfcare last on your to-do list. And chances are you rarely actually get around to it. But selfcare isn’t just a treat after...
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How To Get Others To Speak In Meetings
As you advance in your career and start to lead more meetings, you may face the common difficulty here in Japan of getting people to speak up - especially now that many meetings are online. I remember when I published my book Eigo no Shigoto-jutsu back in 2016 and was...
3 Quick Ways To Improve Your Communication Today
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw said this in the early 1900s, And miscommunication seems even more likely today in global business. Why is that? I see three big reasons: Diverse backgrounds...
Show Up. Shine. Let It Go.
– a conversation with Sarah Furuya When executive coach Sarah Furuya walks into a room of clients, she sees Japanese women who are “phenomenal” and who are the senior leaders of the future. From Sarah’s perspective, she comes in as a business partner. But,...
3 Tips To Speak Like An Expert Online
If you’re like many Japanese business professionals who feel uncomfortable or uncertain speaking in online meetings and presentations in English, you may think that your English capability is the problem. Actually, that’s probably not the main problem. In fact, you...
Danshari Your PowerPoint
I’ll never forget when I was sitting next to a British gentleman – interpreting for him – in a meeting full of Japanese businessmen... When the Japanese presenter showed one particular slide, the British gentleman turned to me and said, “Jesus Christ! I don’t know...
7 Strategies To Ease Zoom Fatigue
If you’re like many business professionals, even though you may no longer be commuting, you’re exhausted at the end of the day. This may be because you’re working longer hours, forgetting to take breaks, or feeling increasing underlying stress from the ongoing...
Say “Yes, and” Instead Of “Yes, but”
- a conversation with Natsuyo N. Lipschutz How often in your life do you say, “Yes, but”? Have you realized that when you do that, you’re not really saying “Yes” at all? You’re not truly accepting what the other person says. Instead, notice...
Speaking Is Healing
- a conversation with Natsuyo N. Lipschutz If you’re like most people, you probably think that public speaking is terrifying, right? But Japan-born Natsuyo N. Lipschutz has a different perspective - and that’s not just because she’s a professional speaker in the U.S....
Are You A Leader Or A Victim?
- A conversation with Haruko Kawashima When you face a difficult situation, do you keep crying, yelling, and complaining? Or do you start to look for something better - a solution, perhaps? This second approach is a sign that you’re a leader. Leadership isn’t about...
How To Engage Your Audience On Zoom
How often are you using Zoom these days? Only a few months ago, I regularly had to explain what Zoom was when Japanese managers and executives were signing up for my online coaching and programs. Now, it seems that most Japanese business professionals are familiar...
Stop Using Weak Words In Meetings
Do you use weak words in meetings? Do you know what weak words are? I’ve noticed that many of my Japanese corporate clients and online students use weak words. The good news is that it’s a habit that you can fix quickly when you’re aware of it. The bad news is that...